The Last Station

July 2014


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February 17th, 2014




If there's anything I should be happy about the way the bloody Falcons treated me, it's that they sent me to god knows where in the middle of the IQC break. Cheers, wankers, I needed the extra couple days not to live out of my luggage in a smelly room in The Three Broomsticks so I could find an apartment in a half-empty building. Bodes well that the landlord didn't even bat an eye when I said I wanted to pay month to month.

In other news, are the Broomsticks and Hog's Head still the only places to get a pint around here? I was hoping something more decent had popped up since.



[No Subject]


Such an eventful weekend! Fabulous party on Friday followed by an excellent night out in London on Saturday. Yesterday wasn't too bad either, spent most of it relaxing at home.

Today is bound to be a busy day at the office, which should prove rather exciting.

How would one go about leasing a spot on Black lake beach for an afternoon?

Memo to James and Lavender

Attached is a clipping of this page from Dan's journal.

Tell me we don't need a PR intervention for this one too.



journal: a new member to the family...

Oh! Oh! I am so terribly excited! I just received my newest addition to the greenhouses for Hogwarts! One of my favorite species is the Alihotsy! Also known as the Hyena tree! It's leaves can produce laughter or hysteria when consumed or brewed into a draught. Now I just need to come up with a nice charm to protect it. I can only imagine the consequences if students were able to sneak off with a handful of leaves.

Chaos I say. Absolute chaos. Mass hysteria...

Charms wasn't my best subject... anyone mind lending a hand? I have a few very intelligent yet incredibly mischievous students I'm concerned about so I'm a little concerned to leave the greenhouses at this point in time.




Good news: There's only eleven days left in February! And with March comes, hopefully, a bit of spring.

Anyone else fancy a dip in the lake as soon as it's not absolutely bone-chillingly cold? Just for the fun of it, of course.

Warded to Angelina and Katie:

I was promised an office visit. When will that be happening? I'll need to properly schedule it, you know, as I am extremely busy and important.

Warded to Hannah:

That restaurant keeps you far too busy. How's business been?

Warded to Sebastien:

Miss you, mate. How's it down under?

Warded to Victoria:

Thanks for the evening out last Friday.

Warded to Cho:

Think I might've seen her working in the Magic Neep. Er, so you don't go in there unprepared.


The number of potions and other objects I've had to confiscate since the weekend ended has been higher than any other week this year - and it's barely even started. While my immediate thought is to suggest that we don't have a Hogsmeade Weekend so close to Valentine's Day next year, I shudder to think what such a weekend would be like if we kept all of the students shuttered up here in the castle.

In other news, the anticipation the Hufflepuffs are showing for the match against Gryffindor on Saturday is a bit infectious. It's good to see the way they're rallying together.

Warded to Merrill
Are you done traveling long enough to get together for dinner or a beverage of some sort?

Warded to Theodore
I believe I've pinpointed what we need to do to remove the last and strongest ward from the perimeter of your property. Maybe we should get together sometime this week to discuss. It's not fun, to say the least.

Warded to Ilia
Still willing to take me up on my offer to show you around the village? When would you like to do that?