The Last Station

July 2014


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February 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

Terribly funny creatures, Muggles. The old man and I are vacationing abroad for several days (after Valentine's Day, mind, as Violet insisted that she was both our dates, rather than Roger mine), in a bloody gorgeous mountain resort. (Ta again, Trace.) The Muggle guests are half-mad for the notion of tying thin strips of wood to their feet and launching themselves down the seemingly tallest and steepest of the mountains. It's all a bit of a death wish, if you ask me.

And I've a cold coming, of course, because I've no immune system thanks to those potions, and why--, because it's the winter and when have I not been ill at least once per year? But I'll make do with hot chocolate and spa treatments.


The passing of Valentine's Day puts us closer to the end of winter, which I'm definitely looking forward to. And the IQCs have made this an unusual week, though not a less busy one. For the first time in several weeks I have no plans for the weekend, and I'm looking forward to staying in.

Warded to Serena
I ran into her walking through the village last night. It could've gone worse, but at least the first meeting is behind me now.

Warded to Roger
I was planning to ask how married life is treating you, but I hear you're on a lovely vacation, so it sounds like it suits you. Hope you're both having a fantastic, relaxing trip.



Log: Alicia and Julian

Who: Alicia Spinnet and Julian Dorny
What: Talk and fun on the beach
When: 15. February 2006
Where: Corralejo Beach on Fuerteventura
Status: Ongoing

Last man in is in charge of lunch? )



Log: Draco, Theodore, and Millicent

Who: Draco, Theodore, and Millicent
What: drinking, naturally
When: Saturday night
Where: D/T's flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Whoever had scheduled the Hogsmeade weekend for immediately following Valentine's Day needed to be cursed with something really fucking unpleasant, like constantly feeling covered in invisible insects. If Millicent had to deal with one more smirking schoolboy making cracks about potency potions, she was going to break something.

The day was over, at least, and so Millicent popped home to change-- someone had shattered a bottle of hair potion and everything she had on reeked-- before Apparating back to Draco and Theodore's flat with a bottle of firewhiskey tucked under one arm. It was the kind of day that required drinking and commiseration.

"Here!" she announced, dropping onto the couch.



log: pansy and blaise

Who: Pansy and Blaise
What: Pansy promised to yell at Blaise or something?
When: Saturday evening
Where: Blaise's flat
Rating: nsfw
Status: Ongoing complete

Pansy wasn't even sure why she was cross with Blaise in the first place but something about how he'd been talking to Granger had hit a nerve. It was much too complicated of those two parts of her life intersected and she wanted to keep them in their own neat separate compartments. Things with Granger were even more complicated than ever, what with her throwing herself at Pansy while on only Merlin knew what kind of potion from Theodore. Honestly.

She needed to un-complicate her life and the first step was making things better with Blaise. She never enjoyed a real quarrel with him and things would begin to get better once she made things right with him.

Bottle of liquor in hand, she knocked on his flat door and waited for him to answer.

Log: Oliver & Andrew

Who: Oliver & Andrew
What: The first night of a weekend getaway. Also, Valentine's Day.
When: Friday, February 14 (backdated slightly)
Where: Balneario Las Arenas, Valencia, Spain
Rating: Quite likely high, NSFW, etc.
Status: On-going

The evening had gone as well - perhaps even better - as Oliver had hoped. Andrew seemed pleased with the accommodations and their special Valentine's dinner had exceeded his expectations. He'd spent most of the meal trying his best not to just grab Andrew's arm and whisk him back to their suite, but they had all weekend for staying cuddled together in their bed if that was what they decided. That didn't stop him from rushing them back as soon as the dinner ended, however.

Oliver kissed Andrew as he opened the door and pushed him into the suite. "Enjoying yourself thus far?" he asked as he slipped his suit jacket off and tossed it onto a small table.