The Last Station

July 2014


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February 12th, 2014



Log: Valentine's Extravaganza, Part 1 - Couples Game

Who: Open
What: Couples Game
When: Late afternoon to early evening
Where: Qualitea
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

The Couples Game started around 7pm, although the couples competing were asked to arrive much earlier to get prepped and ready at 5pm. During the prep period, each half of the couple was pulled aside and asked a series of short questions, their answers written down.

The game took place in Qualitea, with the shop rearranged to have the competing couples in view of the audience. For the first half of the games one-half of the pair was asked the questions, and after a short break where there were small prizes given out to audience members who answered Valentine's and Hogsmeade-related trivia correctly, the game resumed with the other half of the pair answering the questions.

At the end of it, Caleb and Tracey came in first place, with both getting the most right answers when asked, Alexei and Morag came in second, Roger and Merrill third, and Justin and Wayne came in last place, though it had been by a matter of a few points.

Afterward, there were drinks (provided for by the Town Council) for everyone.



Journal: Dreams

I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something...

[Warded to Dan]
Had a dream that you set me up with a very cute friend of yours. (Why haven't you set me up with a very cute friend of yours?)

In fairness, the date got interrupted by Mr Blobby and then I woke up, but still.




Hi again, darlings! I'm pleased to announce that for three days only - Wednesday through Friday of this week - we'll be offering a new product at Qualitea. There's a catch, though: you have to be brave enough to come to the counter and ask for the Tea Temptress' Love Potion #10.

The potion comes in the following flavours, so pick your poison-- I mean, favourite:

* Orange peel vanilla
* Chili-burnt caramel
* Rosemary mint
* Double dark cocoa
* Sea salt caramel
* Cinnamon masala

This potion takes a lot of preparation, but you'll be happy to hear that I'm kind enough to provide you with a special stirrer. Choose from the following churro flavours:

* Classic cinnamon sugar
* Milk chocolate
* Salted caramel

Do you dare?



[No Subject]

Foxglove will have extended hours tomorrow, February 13, and Friday, February 14, as well as three limited edition flavours! While we're no longer accepting custom orders, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., you can purchase:

The Secret Admirer
Red-velvet cake with cream cheese icing and a Cheer infusion.

The White Knight
Vanilla bean cake with marshmallow frosting and a touch of peanut! Free of infusions.

The Casanova
Double chocolate cake with ganache and an Ardor infusion.



Warded FROM Harry Potter and Myron Wagtail

Oh, no, a dastardly plot has come to my attention. There I was, peddling my ware as I am wont to do to make my living, introducing a mild line of love potions since those often seem to sell well around this time of year, when what should I hear but the plotting of two sinister-like characters (and in case their intentions were pure, let me not name them here).

By then they'd already bought out my stock, and while I thought nothing of it at the time of the sale, I did hear them very clearly state they couldn't wait to see what it would do when poured all at once for just one person.

Now, let me warn you this: the effects of such a deed will not be pretty. On their own, the potions in their current dosage will induce nothing but mild affection, but altogether, who knows what they might do? I would have stopped these nefarious figures had I not been hindered by the counter before me, and they were deceptively quick and Apparated to lairs unknown as soon as they stepped out of my shop, leaving me to shoulder the burden of this knowledge.

Guilt-ridden as I was at possibly unleashing some kind of evil plot meant to seduce some unsuspecting soul, I set to work immediately after to find a way to right my wrongs.

The product of hours of hard work and research and the use of rare ingredients is The Dealbreaker, a potion that touches anything love-potion-imbued and turns it a bright, garish orange-and-green concoction. Never doubt what's in your drink again! A phial of The Dealbreaker should last you through this coming weekend, and it's only at the incredibly, steeply discounted price of three galleons apiece. They'll be available at the shop beginning tomorrow, though I can't guarantee how long supplies will last.



journal: marietta

Merlin, I would give anything to be anywhere but here.

Wow, Hogsmeade has changed so much. So many new shops from when I was in school.



Extremely Important Owl for Cho Chang

She's here.