The Last Station

July 2014


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February 13th, 2014



Owl to Harry Potter


Do me yourself a favor and don't eat or drink anything you've not prepared yourself. Better yet, just eat out of cans for the next day or twelve. I know you are a huge dumb ass pretty careful in regards to potions around this particular holiday but I just have a bad feeling. careful, would you?

- Gin



Valentine's Day with Ritchie and Millicent!!

Who: Ritchie Coote and Millicent Bulstrode

What: Celebrate Valentine's Day!

When: Post-dated for Friday, February 14, sex o'clock

Where: Ritchie's flat

Rating: Really not sure if this is going to be super sweet and fluffy or full on NSFW. Um, low to start? Yeah, I don't know who I was kidding. NSFW!!

Status: Ongoing Complete!

Cause I miss you so much / I get my panties in a bunch / Every time you’re not close to me / Yeah I'm a fool for love... )



Log: Valentine's Extravaganza, Part 2 - Dating Game

Who: Open
What: Dating Game (Bachelor and Bachelorette)
When: Late afternoon to early evening
Where: Qualitea
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

The Dating Game started around 7pm, with the bachelor (Neville) and bachelorette (Vicky), asked to arrive at 5pm. The contestants competing for the chance to win a date with them were scheduled to arrive at 5:30pm.

The game was, once more, at Qualitea, where the shop was rearranged much like it was the night prior. And like the previous night, the evening's entertainment was divided into two parts, although unlike the previous night, the first half consisted of the Bachelor's game, while the latter half was for the Bachelorette.

Each segment was fairly similar: Neville or Vicky were seated right in front of the audience, backs turned toward the other contestants. They asked the contestants questions, and selected the contestants whose answers they liked-- those contestants then took a step forward. This went on until there were only two or three contestants within a step away from the bachelor or bachelorette, and in that final question, only one answer would be chosen. Contestants were cast with voice-altering charms so that they couldn't be identified in case they were known by the contestant.

Neville's game came down to Lucy and Lavender, but in the last question, it was Lucy who won Neville's date.

Vicky's came down to Jack, James, and Parvati. She chose James's answer for her last question and, as agreed with the Village Police, her date with James will be done under the watchful eye of Astoria Greengrass.

Both couples won a dinner out in a London restaurant on Valentine's Day, with a view of the London Eye. An evening of dancing is to follow.

Afterward, there were drinks (provided for by the Town Council) for everyone.

Log: Marietta and Cho

Who: Marietta and Cho
What: a chance meeting
When: dated forward to Friday evening
Where: the streets of Hogsmeade
Rating: low
Status: ongoing complete!

Cho hadn't decided, by the end of the work day on Friday, whether she'd go to the Valentine's Day event at Qualitea or not. The week felt longer than usual, and the last thing she really wanted to do was attend a holiday party in celebration of dating and romance. As she bundled up for her walk through the village back to her flat, Cho decided: she'd stay in tonight, get ahead on a memo she needed to send next week, and then curl up with a book and a glass of wine. She still had a few novels left over from Christmas to choose from and, as she considered which to start tonight, she was soon enough treading the pavement along Main Street, distracted.

A particularly hard gust of wind broke her concentration and Cho glanced up, registering someone walking toward her from the opposite direction. Her stomach dropped as her memory, always good with putting names to faces, immediately recognized who it was. Marietta.

There was nothing to do but keep walking. Cho wouldn't have turned back even if she could've done it without drawing attention to herself. She'd told Serena that they'd run into Marietta eventually, but the being confronted by the prospect still left her shaky and panicked, a feeling she wholly hated. Eyes fixed forward, Cho prepared to pass Marietta without slowing or offering any kind of acknowledgment.