The Last Station

July 2014


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February 11th, 2014


log: Is there a doctor in the house?

Who: Michael and Saunders
What: Lunch and Dress-up - Just two friends catching up.
When: Tuesday February 11th, 1pm
Where: Saunderson’s flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

I always saw, I always said If I were grown and free, I'd have a gown of reddest red As fine as you could see. )



Owl to Millicent Bulstrode

Millie, got a date on Friday? Because I know this guy that has the hots for you and wants you to come over to his flat so he can show you something. Don't worry, the thing is not his penis. Well, not only his penis.

- R

P.S. Obviously everyone has the hots for you but this particular dude is me.

Log: Ginny and Angelina

Who: Ginny and Angelina
What: catching up
Where: Foxglove
When: Tuesday, February 11
Rating: low
Status: ongoing complete!

Hogsmeade was hardly the same village it had been during Angelina's years at Hogwarts, but the best change, by far, was the addition of Foxglove. Though she managed to keep herself from visiting every day, stopping in a couple times a week was clearly going to become a habit. Given the choice by Ginny of where they should meet to catch up, Angelina chose the cupcakery without a second thought. The obvious choice, her flat, paled in comparison, given its still-cluttered state and lack of delicious baked goods.

So Tuesday afternoon found Angelina at Foxglove, weighing her cupcake options while she waited for Ginny to arrive.



Warded to Cho Chang, Asher Chambers, Alicia Spinnet, and Merrill Davies-Urquhart

What are the odds that any of you can convince Roger (and Julian, I feel he's involved in this somehow) to stop 'helping' me find a date?



journal: warded to ginny weasley

Have you heard of that Valentine's party that is happening at Qualitea?




My love potions have been selling remarkably well this week. I wonder why.

Private to Draco

There appears to be some kind of public holiday this Friday. Have you heard of it?