The Last Station

July 2014


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February 5th, 2014



journal: pansy

Not sure how I managed to get a decent night's sleep last night with Quidditch on, but by some miracle the Hog's Head was absolutely dead.

[Warded to Hermione Granger]
What did you tell Weasley?

[Warded to Blaise Zabini]
Are we all right? Are you giving me the silent treatment? Don't be a total prat.




Preparations are underway for next week's Valentine's Day extravaganza! If you haven't already, make sure to leave a message with Julian to let him know if you'll be participating in any of the activities. Whether you're happily in love, head over heels in lust, or just looking for an excuse to people-watch, next week will bring plenty of opportunities. And if that doesn't convince you, our very own Gulliver's Dragons will be playing here in town as well!

Warded to Julian and Gwendolyn:

I'm really looking forward to next week. How can we make sure everyone's aware and as excited about the events as we are? Our meeting this week was a good start but I'm sure there's much more we can do to make sure it appeals to everyone.

Warded to Emma:

I expect you heard about Sunday? Has Andrew said anything about it?

Warded to Andrew:

I'm still a bit mad, but somehow you make it easy to forgive you. Looking forward to the gig?

Warded to Vicky:

You're comfortable with working evenings next week, right? I mean, obviously I'll be as well -- I just realised I never explicitly checked with you and I didn't want to just assume.

Warded to Cormac and Lisa:

I was trying to think of a clever pick-up line to write here but I've got nothing. Let's just say that two days from now can't come any faster.

Journal: Hydra Teammates

[Fellow Hydras]

Oy! Any of you lot planning on attending the love day Extravaganza? I'm not one for the love but it's also the national day for shagging. So whether you're in it for the lovey dovey times or the down and dirty times, you should all make sure your arses are there.

So, who's going?

Log: Marcus & Isabel

Who: Marcus & Isabel (and Phineas & Quaffle)
What: A puppy play date
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: That open spot of land behind the Owlery
Rating: Low, I'd guess
Status: On-going

Marcus was a few minutes late as, of course, Phineas had suddenly decided not to cooperate. Where he normally got overexcited by the sight of his leash to the point where Marcus had to hold him down - sometimes with both hands - today he'd decided to run under the table and hide. Of course, once he was leashed and out the door, he couldn't have been happier to go for a walk.

"Hey," Marcus called as he approached the clearing and spied Isabel and Quaffle already there waiting for them. "Sorry. Phin decided to be a bit of a prat today." He shot the dog a glare and then smiled down at him.



Journal: Holiday

Has anyone ever been on a holiday alone? It's something I've been thinking about on and off since before I arrived in the village and I really must decide if I'm going to do it this year.



[No Subject]

Figure it's worth reminding the fuckin' romantics in this village-- especially the unimaginative ones-- to examine the fuckin' roses you purchase for the bird or bloke you hope to shag on Valentine's Day. You let a Northern Flower Faerie into your flat, you'll be real fuckin' sorry.

Try being fuckin' honest this year instead and cutting straight to the buggering or the tit-wanking you're after.



Journal: Gwendolyn

The Valentine's Day Extravaganza is shaping up nicely. It's next week, and I'm certain most of you have already decided to attend, but in case you've missed it, Julian is accepting further application and Merlin know it's going to be a fun evening.

On a more personal note, I have fully moved in to the Hog's Head, which is proving to be terribly convenient. The office is ready and I've spent the last few days interviewing potential assistants. I can't,. of course, discuss any potential contracts but that is certainly looking favourable as well.

[Slytherins and Friends]
I know it's not everyone's sort of thing, but it would be really fab is some of you considered entering the Extravaganza. If nothing else it could be a fun evening watching people embarrass themselves in front of a crowd, plus there will be loads of prizes which is always fun.

Hey gorgeous, favour?

I thought this was going to be easy, I had a whole plan worked out, knew precisely how this was going to work out and I was sure that everything would be fine once I was on the ground, but this is proving to be a whole lot more difficult than I thought. I owled Izzy yesterday for some advice, but she's always so busy.

It feels weird asking for help and I can't, not when I don't know anyone well enough.



Journal: Mandy

Week two and fully unpacked, which is saying a lot given the usual state of my flat. Wandered around the village a bit on the weekend, which was nice especially given the unexpectedly nice weather. I haven't quite yet met up with the team, but I'm sure that will happen in short order.

I did find a good route for my morning run which is great and has helped get my routine back in order. I'm starting to think that this move is going to be one of my best decisions.


Completely rethinking signing up tot that singles thing. Did it more to get myself out there, but I can't really remember the last time I went out with anyone, and I'm not even sure what the whole thing

Ok, no.