The Last Station

July 2014


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February 6th, 2014



owl: Theo/Pansy

Whatever you're giving Granger is too strong. You need to stop or at least lower the dose.

log: Wingmen/women

Who: Blaise and Fera (Open to any in the area)
What: A night on the town.
When: Thursday 6th, Night
Where: Not entirely sure yet
Rating: Low. Though these two are hoping for something more.
Status: Ongoing.


Fera was ready for a night out with her favorite man. Throughout their life after Hogwarts, whenever they had been in the same city, the two had connected for nights out on the town together and he was by far the best wingman she’d ever had. Blaise and Fera were perhaps as close as two Slytherins could be without the shagging and the dark man probably knew her better than anyone else. During a drunken night that hadn’t involved sweeping women off their feet, she had even told him about Katia… her best kept secret.

So as Fera added the final touches to her makeup and adjusted her dress to make sure her goods were all in place and perfectly situated in the large slit down her chest, she snagged her long black coat from the hook near the door and stepped into her heels. The brunette ran a hand through her long chocolate locks before flinging the door to her flat open and securing it behind her.

She was rather pleased that her neighbor happened to be the one man she trusted most, as she strode purposefully down the hall, heels clicking powerfully across the wooden surface. Her long coat was flicked over one shoulder, fingers curled into the collar to keep it in place as she gave the man’s door a strong knocking. “Oy! Wanker! Open up! You’re taking me out.” A wicked smirk pulled at dark red lips as she leaned her free hand against the door frame, striking a pose.


In case you have plans for next week, Gladrags has a new line for witches and wizards that would be perfect for going out in winter weather- drop by anytime in the next week to take a look!

Warded to Caleb

Have you heard about the Games they were putting up at Qualitea for Valentine's? Do you think we should sign up? Just for fun, of course.

Warded to Kevin

Hello, Kevin. I'm not sure you know me well, but I was hoping to ask you two things, actually. Do you have time this weekend, or could I perhaps drop by The Barkery and the Catfe sometime soon? Thank you.

Warded to Megan

I've got the activities ready for the shower this weekend, do you need any help with the games? And I know you're taking care of making the food but is there anything else I could help with? I could do a trip to Honeyduke's and get things together for a candy buffet.

Log: Marcus & Adrian

Who: Marcus & Adrian
What: Catching Up
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low?
Status: On-going

Marcus had suddenly become more social in the past few days than he'd been in weeks. It was easy enough to blame it on the dog and the busy practice and match schedule, but there was more to it than that. He was finding it harder and harder to forget about the life he lived in Italy - the freedom he felt, not feeling like he was always looking over his shoulder, and actually being able to connect with people honestly without having to hide things. He had never been a particularly open person, but even now he felt a bit suffocated. And it had been easier to just avoid people for a while to move past that, because the alternative was just not an option.

He arrived a bit earlier than planned and claimed a booth, ordering a drink while he waited for Adrian to arrive.

Log: Alicia & Oliver

Who: Alicia & Oliver
What: Oliver finally lets someone look at his knee
When: Thursday
Where: Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

Oliver almost considered skipping out, as his knee was starting to feel better. But he'd already told Alicia it was bothering him and he knew that he was unlikely to be able to avoid the question for very long. Since she'd said he was free to stop by, he figured maybe it was for the best; it had been months since he'd last had it officially checked.

He arrived at the clinic and checked in, and was waved back quickly, as Alicia had told him to expect. He waited in the room where they'd directed him to go and he did his best to try to keep the anxiety he was starting to feel at bay.



journal: lavender

So excited for the International Quidditch Championships to start tomorrow. Things around the office will be much less hectic -- something I am most definitely looking forward to. I could use a breather after the last few weeks.

Anything fun happening in the village this weekend?