The Last Station

July 2014


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February 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Cho Chang, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Marcus Flint, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, Oliver Wood, and the newlyweds. Plus-ones welcome.
WHEN | Monday, February 3 at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE | Grace (London, England).
WHAT | A celebration of marriage among friends.
RATING | TBD. Presumably low to moderate.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Despite its new status within the city of London, Grace was a hard-sought seating. Its chef and creator was a vivacious young woman with a son Violet's age, and Merrill knew her through the arts classes both their little ones took. The chef's table that evening was her wedding gift to Merrill and Roger, and it was as handsome as the small plates that followed.


Since I am not going to my parents' tomorrow, my mother has decided to come to Hogsmeade on Saturday. She's hoping Sarah might be able to come down from the castle to join us for lunch. Of course, my father isn't coming because he refuses to cancel his two Saturday morning appointments and made a snide comment about there being no reason I should be too busy to go see my parents on my birthday. As though my birthday is about him. And I really wouldn't want to spend the evening listening to hints about my life choices being a long string of disappointments. And I have somewhere better to be.

Warded to Merrill
Good work on that matching. Almost eerie how that worked out. Thank you.

Warded to Dan
Just realized I forgot to give you your birthday present. Will owl it over to your flat in a moment.

OOC: it's a basket of DVDs of all the films nominated for the 2006 Oscars with a note saying "Apparently these are supposed to be good films so I thought you might like them."

Owl to Theodore Nott


As we discussed yesterday, I was able to remove several of the less complex wards and charms from your family's property. There are still a number of older and very powerful enchantments that will take me some time to research.

I have identified the wards surrounding the garden and can easily dispatch those this weekend. I am slightly concerned about one of the wards protecting the property's perimeter, however, as it appears to be particularly dark in nature and my research keeps pulling me in a singular direction. Is there a chance that any of your ancestors may have practiced or even dabbled in blood magic? It seems we may be looking at something of that magnitude.

I will continue through my notes this week and let you know if I develop any additional theories.

Ernie Macmillan



owl: lavender/adrian

Mr. Pucey,

As I'm sure you've noticed during your travels to commentate matches, each team usually has a local pub that plays the game on the wireless and allows fans to revel in the sport together. As the Hydras are relatively new, we here at HQ are working with Madam Rosmerta to turn The Three Broomsticks into the Hydras local pub.

Any chance you'd be able to advertise this in your next broadcast? We plan to feature your commentary on the WWN during Hydras nights, which would greatly improve your number of listeners. Please let me know if this is a partnership you'd be interested in developing.


Lavender Brown
Personal Assistant to Dan Bradley




Bloody ghost dog showed up this morning and startled one of the cats while she was on the counter in the kitchen. Two glasses and a bottle of firewhiskey later and even with magic it took for-fucking-ever to clean up.

Warded to Ritchie
I've got a thing tonight for a mate of mine who eloped over the weekend. Want to come along?

Private to James and Lavender

Dog's bollocks, bugger, wankers, and totty... we're okay with that kind of language, right? Personal journal and everything? It's not reflecting badly on the team?




After I quit working at Dervish & Banges, it seemed like the perfect time to get my next tattoo. Not exactly in commemoration, but y'know. Close enough. Anyway! Now that it finally looks nice, I thought I'd attach a photo, for the curious. I have to say I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

photo inside )



Log: Astoria's First Day

Who: Astoria and Harry // Astoria and Ron
What: Astoria's first day on the job
When: Monday, morning and afternoon respectively
Where: DMLE Office
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle )



Muggle Studies

[Warded to Serena, Victoria, Zacharias, Isabel, Dan, Stewart, Susan & Marcus]

What exactly is a motorcycle?