The Last Station

July 2014


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February 2nd, 2014



Journal: Gwendolyn

All set up and ready to go! It took the whole week to get the premises, cast the appropriate spells, arrange everything the way I needed it, but it is official, I am opening doors tomorrow and Sewlyn PR shall be the name in Public Relations, I just know it.

It's perfect timing really because things are a bit slow on the stage at the moment, so the perfect time to take a short hiatus before the spring productions. Though now that I'm thinking about it, Valentine's Day is only a short two weeks away, and I can't wait!



[No Subject]

I've no idea how I expected Mum to respond when I Owled her, but 'That lovely twit was wonderful enough to marry you?' was not the answer I was hoping for. Anticipating, yes, but bloody Hades, Mum. The three messages that followed about eloping without our families present (that is the definition of the act, Mum...) and about visiting immediately are not at all a surprise, either. I can only imagine what she would have been like during any sort of wedding planning.

Warded to Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Cho Chang, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Marcus Flint, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, and Oliver Wood
Roger and I hope you're free tomorrow to celebrate our wedding with us. We've reserved a private dining room at Grace, in London. 8:00 p.m.

Warded to Theodore Nott
I've something of a problem. Roger claims it isn't, but he's mad. And as understanding as he's willing to be, I'm not.



Log: James and Cho listen to another Quidditch match

Who: James and Cho
Where: A Tornados pub in Tutshill
When: Sunday evening, February 2
What: Venturing into enemy territory
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

As they'd agreed, James wore his Caerphilly kit again but paired it with one of Cho's Tutshill scarves. He'd lent her one of his as well and as he fixed hers around his neck, he noticed that while the blue didn't exactly compliment the green and scarlet of his kit, it wasn't necessarily bad. Just... very colourful.

They arrived just in time for the game to begin on the wireless and managed to find a small table in the pub. "Want me to get us drinks?" he asked, looking curiously around the place.



Warded to Alicia/Merrill


I just read Roger’s journal, and so scrapped the Owl I have been trying to write for a long while.

Congratulations, to both of you, and Violet, of course. I wish you the kind of love and happiness that grows and knows no end.

No matter what happened between you and I, I still care, Merrill, and I still consider you a friend. I’m sorry that things ended up the way they did, but my offer of help, in any way, still stands.




Warded Private to Megan Jones

James is spending a few minutes writing in the loo of a Tutshill pub, shocked and dismayed at the direction the Catapults-Tornados match is taking.

meg meg meg are you listening? to this absolute shite



Owl to Kevin Entwhistle


Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that Batman's doing great. I was wondering, too, if you had recommendations for introducing him to my girlfriend. I know you said he's a little skittish against women.


- Caleb


Thanks to everyone who came to the party! I'm surprised how clean everything was afterward, so thanks for picking up after yourselves. And whoever used the guest bedroom, you guys are the best. You didn't need to clean the sheets, but thanks, that was so thoughtful of you.

Private to Merrill:

I never got around to thanking you for setting that dinner up. But I see you had big things going on this weekend- congratulations. And yeah, thanks.

Private to Ilia:

Hey, my dad's coming up during the IQC, and he asked if you want to have dinner? If your moms can come too that would be great.

Private to Stewart:

If you aren't doing anything this Tuesday, do you want to come watch the Hydras game with me?

Private to James and Lav:

James, great job with Hydras Weekend. I think the Harpies game sales are higher than normal for a weekday match. Lav, Madam Rosmerta's turning The Three Broomsticks into a Quidditch pub for that match? How do we want to get word out about that?



[No Subject]

[Private to Madam Rosemerta]
Hey Rosie!

I want to surprise Wayne and I'm planning a getaway for Valentine's Day and I wanted to clear this with you. I wouldn't dream of taking him away from you for the weekend, I know how busy it gets. Instead, I'd like to leave on Sunday 16th and I'd bring him back the next Friday.

Please don't mention this to him, I'd really like it to remain a secret until we leave.



So yeah…

It’s official. I now fly for the Hydras.

Are you ready for me Hogsmeade?

The flat isn't the dog's bollocks but it's nice enough, a wee smaller than I’m used to but I suppose I can manage. Got it all sorted out with a bit of magical assistance. This place has definitely grown since I was here last. I’ll have to go exploring tomorrow.

Bugger do I need a drink... and a totty.

Warded to Gwendolyn
Oy, Gwendy. You’re still as fit as ever, luv. Care to snag a drink sometime?

Warded to Serena
Serena, fancy seeing you in these parts. We’re still on good terms? I promise not to be too much of a tosser this go around. You know, no breaking things, or kicking of assistants and what not.

Warded to Blaise
Is it true? My favourite Slytherin now lives in Hogsmeade? And just what are you doing here? Shagged half the town yet?


Sorry I've been a bit poor about staying in contact with people lately. On top of practices, games, meetings, and Phin, I've just been extremely busy. (How people manage to have lives and have children is beyond me...looking at you, Merrill...) Hopefully things will be calmer now that I think Phin is growing out of some of his puppy behavior and finally starting to act like a normal dog. Sometimes.


Alright, Hogsmeade?

Spent most of today unpacking-- okay, that's a lie. I was asleep til well past noon, and then naturally I had to feed myself (lo and behold, what do I find but lunch with my name on it, and I mean that literally. Hannah actually put my name on the food. Best roommate ever? Best roommate ever. Especially for someone I have seen all of five minutes this entire weekend.) and then, yeah, got some unpacking done.

Just in time to listen to the Tornados and Catapults game on the wireless too-- brutal match, absolutely brutal. Obviously a statistical anomaly; didn't sound like the anything went right with the Cats' game, that's all. They're solidly in second place anyway and I don't think United's going to catch up. Nor are the Cats going to catch the Kestrels-- bloody team's luck has got to start running out soon, but even then, there's a ton of ground to be made.

Warded to Kevin and Michael

Told you I was gonna be here soon, didn't I? Any plans for watching the Hydras match? I wanted to get tickets, maybe the three of us can go see it, just like old times. And I'm not going to miss a Harpies match.

Warded to Hannah

Lunch was great, thanks! You've got dinner for when you come back. I don't have a ton of stuff going on the next couple of days, so if you want some help in Fromage just let me know.

Warded to Serena

Just saw that kid's post. So... was doing that charm maybe too much for the bed, then? I didn't think it was. I mean people have to have manners, right?