The Last Station

July 2014


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January 24th, 2014



Owl: Lisa to Dan


Megan and I were thinking that we'd like to try and get as much of the village as possible to come out to the game on the 29th and support the team. Do you think it'd be alright, as far as it goes with the stadium, if we decorated the place a bit? Tastefully, of course.




Interoffice Memo to Cho Chang


Would you like to listen to the Cats game with a whole group of us this Saturday? In Wales?




Taking care of business! (Hannah sends owls)

Owl to Lisa Turpin )

Owl to Blaise Zabini )



Business Owls

James sent the following letter to: Lisa Turpin, Hannah Abbott, Hermione Granger, Rosmerta Derwent, Roger Davies, Theodore Nott, Lucy Spinks, Romilda Vane, Tracey Davis, and Isabel Moon. Each copy of the letter has been charmed to display the correct name of the recipient in the salutation.

Dear Shop/Establishment Owner... )

Log: Sebastien and Adrian

Who: Sebastien and Adrian
What: the aftermath of this owl
Where: Adrian's flat
When: Thursday night (backdated)
Rating: NSFW? probably
Status: ongoing complete!

As for the second, well, he'd offered and Sebastien hadn't said no, so they'd see about that too. )



Log: Michael brings home the girlfriend

Who: Michael and Emma
What: After meeting the family
When: Thursday night (backdated)
Where: Michael's mum's, and then Hogsmeade
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Michael's family was not the first that Emma had been introduced to by someone she was dating, but that hadn't made her any less nervous. She knew there was some tension between Michael and his mother with regard to the decisions Michael had made during and after the war, and that, while his mother was once a witch, she no longer lived as such, and neither did his younger brother. Emma had only a basic knowledge of Muggle living herself, and her biggest concern going into the evening was that she would bring up something undoubtedly magical in nature and remind everyone of the divide that existed in the family, so she spent a good part of the afternoon writing down things that were not based on magical or Muggle living.

But in the end, it turned out she needn't have worried so much. Michael's mum was warm and kind and understanding. William, Emma suspected, was there mostly to be amused at his brother. And all four of them had a very good dinner, never running out of things to talk about-- the food, cooking, the things Michael had liked when he was growing up, what Michael was like when he was a boy, what William was like when he was boy, even when William might bring someone home next. Mrs. Corner had many questions for Emma, and Emma was equally curious about her. It was late when Michael and Emma left, Emma's arm hooked around Michael's as Michael carried some leftovers with him.

"She was so lovely," Emma told Michael, smiling at him. "I'm glad that hadn't gone disastrously. I hope. You don't think it did, do you?"



log: lav/neville hanging out

Who: Neville and Lavender
What: besties hanging out!
When: Friday the 24th, evening
Where: Lavender's place
Rating: sfw
Status: ongoing complete!

an evening with her best mate was definitely in order )




There ought to be a rule about hibernating in the wintertime. I don't mind the snow but I can only stand it for so long.

Private to Harry Potter

For the record, it was I who threw the snowballs at your window. I was practicing my chasing.

Private to Roger

How is Merrill doing with the potions? Any side effects I should try to adjust the potions for?

Private to Ernie Macmillan

I've been told you were a Charms expert. Have you ever done any work on Unplottable charms?



Owl to Dan Bradley


Just checking, but I assume we can't offer Polyjuice potion of Hydras players for the weekend incentive. Correct?

Want to come to Wales tomorrow to listen to the Cats game?

Nighty night,