The Last Station

July 2014


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January 23rd, 2014



Journal: Parents!

[Warded to the Usual Suspects - Emma, Romilda, Ginny, Neville, Dan, Alicia, Lavender]

I have three days to turn myself into someone good enough suitable to meet Oliver's parents. What do I do?


Log: Tracey and Caleb have dinner

Who: Tracey and Caleb

What: Dinner

When: Thursday evening

Where: Tracey's flat

Rating: NSFW.

Status: Ongoing

It was funny, the difference between not spending an evening together but knowing that Caleb was in the village and not spending an evening together but knowing that Caleb was away- to Wimborne, where the Hydras had gone to play the Wasps, and where Caleb had traveled with the team to see what it was like. Maybe part of it was also due to the sudden realization that though he wasn't one yet, if Caleb ever becomes a professional Quidditch player his life would involve fans with no sense of boundary or shame, a thought that had never occurred to Tracey and which unsettled her greatly.

She tried to push all those thoughts out of her mind, though, since there was still so much work to do with her line- the fabrics have just arrived and she had spent an entire week obsessing over the texture combinations and tweaking the patterns she'd thought might work but fell limp and shapeless when sewn using a brilliantly colored but otherwise unstable fabric.

And then there was dinner to consider- she tried to cook, she did, even going as far as purchasing some chicken and vegetables from The Magic Neep, for a winter stew, she'd thought. But she only ended up slicing her finger with the carrots and then lost her appetite when she tried handling the meat, and with less than half an hour left before Caleb was meant to arrive she did the best spellwork she could on her finger, gathered all evidence of her cooking and threw them away, took the bag out to dump it in the back, then hurried on to The Three Broomsticks to place an order for dinner.

By the time Caleb arrived the stew had been ladled onto a clear glass bowl, mashed potatoes on the side and a bottle of wine newly opened. "Come on in," she said, kissing him briefly before she took his coat off his shoulders and hung them by her coat rack. "Goodness, you're freezing. Come by the fire and warm yourself up, I've put a warming charm on dinner and can get you wine while you thaw out."

Log: Dan, Stewart, and Inverness

Who: Dan and Stewart

What: Exploring

When: Friday afternoon

Where: Inverness

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Dan stopped outside Stewart's flat early Friday afternoon, having taken work off early and wrapped in multiple layers of clothing, immediately regretting giving his father the idea of moving closer to him while they were still in the middle of winter. But he was curious about the Muggle town that was close to Hogsmeade, and it came with the added bonus of an afternoon spent getting to know Stewart more.

His conversation with Millicent was still on his mind, and even though she said she thought having feelings for more than one person was fine, he was still trying to come to terms with the guilt that came with it. Being around Ginny the other night was still a little odd, but not- it wasn't as bad as he thought it could be. She was a professional and she acted like one, and he would always admire and be grateful for that. It was in the past, whatever happens, and today, anyway, was just about a friendly little outing.

"I hear there are some nice, warm coffee shops in Inverness," he said when Stewart opened the door. "It's, um, I think it's gonna be cold, so I'm just saying, I'm not intending for either of us to turn into frozen blocks of ice. Hi."



Log: Justin and Susan having dinner

WHO: Justin and Susan
WHEN: Tuesday January 21st (Backdated)
WHERE: Justin’s flat
WHAT: Seafood lasagna!!!
RATING: probably general

Hmmmm seafood! )




Checked out the standings lately -- how did I not realize that the Cats were second in the bloody league??? I mean I know they'd been good. I mean I knew they were riding that six-game win streak until two losses snapped it (damn you, Falmouth and Wigtown, damn you both!) but hot damn.

If any Cats fan (orrrr just any Quidditch fans) wants to check the game out with me this Saturday, I'm heading to Caerphilly and taking in the game at The Drunken Druid. Best pub for listening to any match on the wireless, let me tell you. We can get there using the Knight Bus, it'll be brilliant!



[No Subject]

WHO: Justin and Parvati
WHEN: Wednesday at lunch (backdated slightly)
WHERE: Justin and Wayne’s flat.
WHAT: Coworkers having lunch on Justin’s day off.
STATUS: done!

He got off at 8, then napped. )



Owl: Justin and Wayne

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Justin: His flat, Wayne: Work
WHAT: Justin sends an owl to his boyfriend.


Owl: Adrian to Sebastien


Have any plans after the game tonight? I think you still owe me a pint.

- Adrian




I spent two hours this afternoon doing a portrait session for these three dogs that belong to one of my mum's friends. Which, don't get me wrong, I totally didn't mind doing, except that the owners wanted the photos taken at the local park. So there I am, in the freezing weather, trying to corral three rambunctious canines. Did I mention they were Muggles, so that meant no warming charms? I snuck one in anyway, statutes be damned.

Popped out to Wimbourne after, to shoot the match, and I swear I'm just now getting feeling back in my toes.



Owl to James


Lisa and I have decided we want to get the whole town out to the next home game to support the team. How can we help make this happen?


PS. For the record, I think the answer is free beer.



Owl to Megan Jones and Lisa Turpin

Meg and Lisa:

So, um. What do you do when Adrian a bloke chats you up?

The bloke's Adrian.
