The Last Station

July 2014


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January 22nd, 2014



Blaise and Pansy: A log

Who: Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson

What: A meeting of friends (2/3 of the Silver Trio getting hammered)

When: (Backdated) Tuesday, January 21, evening.

Where: Pansy's flat above the Hog's Head

Rating: Low, I'd imagine. It might did get a little sexy up in here.

Status: Ongoing COMPLETE!

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold... )



Log: Ritchie and Millicent

Who: Ritchie and Millicent
What: clearing the air, sort of
Where: Millie's flat
When: Wednesday evening, after work
Rating: low? jk, NSFW
Status: ongoing COMPLETE!

Millicent didn't know what time to expect Ritchie to arrive, or even if he'd show at all, so she set up camp on her sofa while she waited. Might as well be comfortable, after all. She turned the wireless on, but only half-listened to the run down before the Kestrels-Wanderers match while she nursed the cup of coffee she held in both hands.

Every so often rattles and thumps drifted in from the kitchen-- the cats were up to something, but she couldn't be arsed to get up and stop them. "Cut it out!" she snapped, to little effect. The noises quieted for a few moments, before starting up again.

Sighing, Millicent was about to give in and go check on the damned creatures, when a knock at the front door stopped her. She went to answer instead, her knuckles turning white as her fingers tightened around her mug.



Log: Romilda and Stewart talk Qualitea

Who: Romilda and Stewart
Where: Qualitea
When: January 22, during siesta
What: Talking about prospective opportunities for employment
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

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