The Last Station

July 2014


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January 21st, 2014


Owls to the Minister of Magic & Harry Potter

Owl to Kingsley Shacklebolt )

Owl to Harry Potter )



Journal 1

My new flat is disgusting. I'm embarrassed to bring my interior designer here let alone Mother. It has pine cabinetry. Pine. Pine has no place in my flat. It's the wood of poor people and outhouses. Don't even get me started on the smell. If I wanted to smell burnt hair 24/7 I'd just cut out the middle man and set myself on fire.

On the professional side of things, all reporters for The Hogsmeade Herald should take note I've upped all deadlines for regular columns by an hour. This way, the charms can be added and sent to the printers with enough time to spare and no one has to be running around like a hippogriff with its head cut off come publishing time. It's called common sense.

Also, I hope no one is terribly attached to "The Shrieking Shack". If all goes according to plan, I'll have the monstrosity razed in a month, new construction started in two. Won't be quite so haunted then, I'd imagine. You're welcome.


I'd no idea that first Hogsmeade weekend would be so draining, but I think I'll be better prepared next month. Those students did go through my stock, and I must have some better system in place to keep the lines from getting so unacceptably long.

Warded Private to Daphne, Pansy, Isabel, and Millicent:

Pansy and I have decided we're long due for a girls' night. Would you all be free for dinner at my flat this Saturday?

Private to Isabel and Julian Dorny:

Mr. Dorny, Isabel Moon and I have a matter we'd like to discuss with you soon. Would you be available this week?



Warded Private to Adrian Pucey

Have you ever had to sign anyone's body parts before or after a match? Just curious.



Owl to Millicent


I know its been a while since you touched my wiener but I hadn't heard from you. Just wanted to make sure you were took off kind of suddenly the other day and you seemed upset. What did I do wrong? And don't worry...I'm not going to bug you about stopping over anymore...I painted the wall without you.

- Ritchie

Note left for Pansy Parkinson on the till of Hogsmeade Reads


Will be out for lunch and errands today. Please look after the store in my absence.

I've set up surveillance wards, so no funny business.




Owl to Hermione

Included with the owl is the latest batch of her hair potion, though this time it arrives with a note.

Such a shame about The Shrieking Shack. I hadn't even realised he'd already bought it.



Memo Sent to Harry Potter


I've recently received feedback from a villager about you having given them a citation on no real valid grounds. I'm aware of the history between you and the complainant, so I wanted to check how serious the citation was, or can we just please chuck it in the bin?



Quidditch on Saturday - Ravenclaw v. Slytherin. Both teams are looking ready, so it should be an interesting match up.

And then the Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff match is on February 22. I originally thought it could be on the 15th, but it turns out that's a Hogsmeade weekend and the two definitely shouldn't conflict. (And I'm thinking I probably want to be far from Hogsmeade that weekend anyway. Raging teenage hormones and the weekend of Valentine's Day? Don't need to be stuck in the middle of that.)

[Warded to Andrew]
My parents are back and my mother wants me to come by for brunch on Sunday. She asked if you'd be joining me. I gave a non-committal answer because I don't want you to feel pressured, but would you be interested?