The Last Station

July 2014


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January 20th, 2014


Owl to Eloise Midgen

Ms Midgen,

I apologise for springing this on you with no warning, but I wondered if you could tell me what the process is for giving up my flat? I've loved living at 22 High Street, but changes in my personal life have given me to opportunity to move.

Susan Bones



Log: Dirty Dancing

Who: Lucy, any and all single people from Hogsmeade.
What: Drinking, dancing, chatting, partying.
When: Friday night [Backdated because I was unexpectedly without internet all weekend. Trying to catch up now]
Where: Nameless club in muggle London
Rating: SFW? Maybe.
Status: OPEN

Just wanna dance the night away )

Log: Pansy and Adrian

Who: Pansy and Adrian
What: a night out of the village
Where: London
When: Monday evening
Rating: low
Status: ongoing complete!

Tonight's game, between Chudley and Portree, was fairly low on the station's list of priorities, so they'd graciously given Adrian the opportunity to miss it. This was his first night off since he'd begun commentating for the WWN, and he looked forward to spending it with Pansy.

It was shortly before 7PM that he arrived at the Hog's Head. The setting didn't suit Pansy at all, but Adrian wouldn't dare mention it to her. Odds were she hated living in one of these flats enough already, without him drawing attention to it. Once he'd arrived at her front door, he knocked sharply and waited for her to answer.


So not that I ever found it to be particularly exciting to begin with, but the selling of quills has quickly lost any semblance of thrill that might have existed. I'm thinking it's time to look at my options for covering expenses in a different way while I write.