The Last Station

July 2014


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January 19th, 2014



Michael and Wayne: Log

WHO: Michael and Wayne
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: At the Three Broomsticks
WHAT: Michael is craving a Butterbeer and ends up having a discussion. He is worried about BOTH Justin and Wayne.

It was about helping friends. )



journal entry: lavender

This cold weather is getting me a bit down. All this snow and ice is relentless and it makes wearing heels to the office a nightmare. Any suggestions on the best remedy for the winter blues?

[Warded to Hydras players/staff except Dan Bradley and Sebastien Summerby]
Dan and Sebastien's birthdays are next week. I reckon we should do something for them from all of us. Anyone have any ideas other than the obvious cake and song?

[Warded to Parvati]
Thank you for trusting me and telling me. I could tell it wasn't the easiest for you. I'm so glad that even after all these years we're still best friends.

Owl to Pansy


Just got word from on high that I've Monday evening off. Free to take a little trip to London with me?



Dad's moving to Inverness. He doesn't think it'll make me visit more often but we're going to talk to the Ministry and see if we can set up a regular Portkey that he'll be able to use so he can come into the village every Saturday noon or something like that. I told him all he needs to do in Inverness is set up a room for me with a large telly and a popcorn machine and I'll be sure to drop by now and then with friends, but he just gave me a look.

Does anyone here have any information on neighborhoods in Inverness, where to go, tips for house hunting there?

Private to Millicent:

Hey, are you free anytime soon? Figured it's about time to cash in on that movie thing.

Log: Dan and Millie watch a movie

Who: Dan and Millicent

What: Movie watching

When: Sunday afternoon

Where: Mugglelandia

Rating: Low

Status: Complete

Dan had never really planned many things in his life- he just didn't function that way. Running a Quidditch team was beginning to change that, but some days came semi-spontaneously.

Like today. He and Millicent had planned to watch a movie one of these days (well, he had, Millicent seemed less certain), but they hadn't really pinned down a time or place until today.

He got ready as soon as Millicent agreed, taking a quick shower and bundling up in layers before he took the Floo to The Leaky Cauldron, ordering just a glass of water while he waited.

Log: An Indoor Picnic

Who: Lavender and Adrian
What: an indoor picnic
Where: Adrian's flat
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: low? whoops, NSFW
Status: ongoing complete!

After Victoria pointed out that his flat still had a newness about it, Adrian had attempted to make it more home-like, hanging a few prints and miscellaneous photos on the walls. Something about it remained off, in his mind, though maybe he just hadn't lived there long enough to consider the flat his yet. There wasn't anything he could do about it before Lavender came over anyway.

Instead, Adrian concentrated on tidying away the few things that were out of place and spread out a picnic blanket on the floor of the living room, moving the coffee table to one side to make room. He'd just a changed clothes when a knock sounded at the door. Running a hand through his hair, he went to answer.