The Last Station

July 2014


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January 18th, 2014



Owl to Theodore Nott


We're good friends, yeah? The sort who'd do most anything for one another?




[No Subject]

WHO | Isabel Moon and OPEN.
WHEN | The evening hours of Saturday, January 18.
WHERE Foxglove Cupcakery.
WHAT | A Hogsmeade Weekend event.
RATING | Low, presumably.
STATUS | Ongoing.

In truth, Isabel owed her idea for Hogsmeade Weekend to an elderly Muggleborn wizard. It was Mr. Whistleby who introduced her to the concept of a soda fountain, and it was the soda fountain shop that inspired Foxglove's cupcake bar-- a stretch of buttercreams and ephemera to decorate the plain cakes that were for sale-- and her dress for the evening event. Mr. Whistleby had even loaned her a wonderful curiosity: a Muggle jukebox charmed to function within the village. It was all terribly delightful!

Log: Date Night

Who: Roger and Merrill

What: Date night

When: Tonight

Where: The Festival of Fairy Tales for Grown-ups followed by dinner at Quaglino's

Rating: Low. Potentially Sensitive Content.

Status: Ongoing

Though Roger had planned most everything else for date night, the issue of finding a baby-sitter for Violet had slipped his mind altogether.

"I won't forget next time," he told Merrill once they were on their way, buttoning his coat before he took Merrill's hand. "And you think Theodore and Draco will be fine?"

a series of messages: or, Parvati screws her courage to the sticking place

Owl to Neville Longbottom
Hi Neville,
Can we meet for lunch or dinner sometime? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley
Hi Justin,
I know I'll see you at work but I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee or something.

note spellotaped to Megan Jones's bedroom door
Thanks for the other night. You're a real friend and I appreciate you putting up with me.

note spellotaped to Lavender Brown's bedroom door
I need to tell you something.



[No Subject]

[Private to Susan]
I've been working entirely too much lately and no one's stopped me yet.

I tried to give you some time with Kevin since your birthday and I'm afraid it's come of weird and/or rude. I hope you are not offended by my distance, Hun.

Can I make you dinner this week? I have learned to make a seafood lasagna this week!


[No Subject]

Who: Parvati and Lavender

What: A long-overdue conversation

When: Saturday evening

Where: Their home

Rating: SFW

Status: Ongoing

It was funny, Parvati thought, in sort of a morbid way. She didn't know when she stopped feeling like a Gryffindor, but it must have been years. It wasn't until she was confronted with a scary concept that Parvati realized: you're a bloody Gryffindor, bloody act like it already.

Funny that it had been a Hufflepuff who helped her realize it.

Parvati sat at the kitchen table, drumming her fingers nervously next to her untouched mug of coffee. Lavender was coming home, and Parvati was going to tell her. And then...who knew.