The Last Station

July 2014


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January 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Merrill Urquhart and Roger Davies.
WHEN | Friday, January 10.
WHERE | London, England.
WHAT | Merrill begins to address the issue at hand.
RATING | Moderate. Sensitive content warning.
STATUS | Complete.

'When this is done, we'll go home and take Violet out for ice cream, okay?' )



Inter-office Memos at Hydras HQ


I'll be going out of town tonight and returning Sunday afternoon. I'll be back to work on Monday as normal. If you need anything, feel free to send me an owl, though maybe try to keep it for 7's and above?

- Lav



I'll be out of town this weekend. If you need anything from Dan this weekend, save it for business hours on Monday for everyone's sake.

- Lavender



Owl to Millicent Bulstrode

The Owl arrives late Friday afternoon.


Is Vi alright? If she fusses, you can Owl us.




Thread: Hufflepuff Brunch

Who: Hufflepuffs & their plus ones
When: Forward dated to Sunday, 12 January (people will be out of town, so it goes up now!)
Where: James' flat (23 High Street, #303)
What: Brunch! Group hugs!
Rating: Likely SFW
Status: Ongoing


James hadn't realised how much he'd missed being with all of his old housemates until they were all living in the same place once again. Despite the fact that most of them were younger than him, James was a social person and knew many of them still from school. He was excited about an opportunity to have everyone together in one place. And what better way to do so than to have brunch together?

menu )

Warded Private to Asher

Posted early this morning

I know it's late notice, but would you mind checking in on Duke tonight? Wards should let you in, just make sure he gets to go for a walk, his food bowl's filled up and he's using the area we've charmed when he wants to go. I'll be by in the afternoon but they'd not let me back into the hospital if I get back after visiting hours.

Thanks, mate.


Three home games in a row, go figure the league sets the schedule up so we play in good old Scotland in the deadest of dead winters, right?

For the brave souls intending to watch the match live tomorrow, fear not, we'll make sure there are sufficient heating charms in the stands.

Warded to Lucy, Andrew, Lisa, Stewart, Millicent, Justin, Wayne, Caleb

If any of you were interested in watching from the suites- much warmer, plus there's catering- let me know. I can extend each of you up to two tickets. Just don't tell Lav, she might yell at me. Or James, he might yell at me too. But fuck it, I own the team. So. Let me know. Hope you can make it.



Log: Caleb talks to Dan about his opportunities

Who: Caleb Warrington and Dan Bradley
Where: Dan's office
When: Friday afternoon
What: Caleb is curious about his potential future with the Hydras.
Rating: NSFW obviously (okay not)
Status: Ongoing


It was stupid to feel all butterfly-like in his stomach, Caleb told himself as he approached Dan's office. They got along well and Caleb was sure that Dan would be receptive to at least listening to his ideas and his plans for the summer. Hopefully. He had an appointment, so he was sure Dan was expecting him as he knocked on the door and waited.

Log: Caleb and Adrian

Who: Caleb and Adrian
What: drinks
When: Friday night
Where: Caleb's flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

When Adrian was nearly done in Portree, he sent an owl to Caleb, letting his mate know he'd be by before too long. Finishing up after a game always seemed to take longer than expected, but the night was still young when he showed up at 23 High Street, knocking at the door of number 401.

While he waited for Caleb to answer, Adrian rubbed a hand across his face. He always felt drained right after a game, in contrast to the way playing had left him energized, but, with any luck, Caleb's company would revive him a bit.

Log: A Conversation

Who: Stewart and Dan

What: Drinks/Dinner/Talking

When: Friday night

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

Dan arrived probably too early. He got himself a booth in the corner and ordered a pint, liquid courage, just in case things went- well, he had no idea where they were going to go. He hoped not in a fiery mess, just to set his standards low enough that at least he won't be disappointed. But it hadn't really been a week for good things, really- nothing this week had really made Dan feel like a decent person, in all honesty.

He should ask Millicent to smack him. He was due one.

The pint was half-done before he realized what he was doing, so he pushed it back and glanced at his watch again. Only five minutes had passed.



Owl Post

Owls to Ms. H. Abbott, Ms. M. Bulstrode, Mr. J. Cadwallader, Mr. J. Finch-Fletchley, Mr. W. Hopkins, Ms. M. Jones, Mr. E. Macmillan, Ms. I. Moon, Mr. Z. Smith, Ms. L. Spinks, and Mr. S. Summerby.




I've left Dervish & Banges. Gave my notice, worked my final days, had my goodbye party. In a way, I'm a bit crushed because I've loved doing that kind of work and I've loved working for that business. It's terrifying to give up a steady income, but the studio is doing really well, and I couldn't keep my foot in both worlds without tearing myself in half. So there it is.



Warded Private to Cormac McLaggen

All right, here it is.