The Last Station

July 2014


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January 9th, 2014


Log: Stewart & Michael

WHO: Stewart & Michael
WHEN: Thursday, January 9th
WHERE: Michael's office
WHAT: Catching up; and Stewart needs someone to talk to
RATING: General
STATUS: Complete

There were many things that made Stewart nervous )

Owl to Cormac


I'm taking Friday to Tuesday off for a family thing. Do you think you'll be fine by yourself or should I look for someone to help you out those days too?


Log: Merrill and Adrian

Who: Merrill and Adrian
What: a late night run-in
When: Thursday night
Where: the streets of Hogsmeade
Rating: low -- Sensitive Content Warning
Status: complete

He was undertaking his habitual post-game stroll, using the walk as much as an excuse to smoke as to reflect on his performance. )

Log: Hannah and Susan

Who: Hannah and Susan
What: an evening with old friends
When: Thursday evening
Where: Hannah's flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Thursday after work Susan popped home long enough to change out of her work clothes and grab the loaf of caramel toffee banana bread she'd baked the night before to take over to Hannah's. Having another one of her oldest friends move to the village was a joyful occasion, and she'd been trying to do what she could to make Hannah feel at home here. Tonight they'd made plans to meet after Susan finished up at the Owlery, so it was at just slightly after seven that Susan knocked on the door of Hannah's new flat.


Almost through the first week of classes, round two, and surprised at how much they can forget in just a few weeks. Nothing a little review essay can't fix, though reading them all is not how I was hoping to spend my Saturday.

[Warded to Merrill]
Planning to go out on Saturday evening to either celebrate finishing the stack of essays or to try to forget how abysmal I expect some of them to be. You (and Roger, if he's inclined) interested in heading out for a drink or two?



Warded to Romilda

Andrew came into the shop yesterday. He glared at me the whole time and I wasn't even being a prick or nothing. Dunno what was up his arse. Anyway, I filled out the survey.

I'll be by in the morning again for a scone.



[No Subject]

[Warded to Emma]

I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life, Lovely. I love you.