The Last Station

July 2014


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January 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

Fuckin' welcome for that party. Few of you could do with lessons in holding your liquor-- a single shot shouldn't make you do the shit I saw. And especially fuckin' welcome to you, Davies, seeing as I cleaned it up my fuckin' self.

Warded to Roger Davies and Julian Dorny
The fuck do you ask women out? The fuck don't they understand normal fuckin' English?

Warded to Serena Capper and Cho Chang
The fuck do you ask women out?

Owl to Isabel Moon


Do you know, my cat loved the oyster cupcakes. He may not have been your original clientele, but I think you could do a lucrative side-business selling the things at Kevin's shop.

Happy Sunday,



[No Subject]

WHO | Millicent Bulstrode, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and perhaps Harry Potter.
WHEN | Midday on Sunday, January 5.
WHERE | Outside 24 High Street, opposite the windows of Harry Potter's flat.
WHAT | A lunch entirely free of ulterior motives. Really.
STATUS | Ongoing.

24 High Street was the ideal location for a lunch between friends. Millicent and Theodore had completed Draco's challenge far more quickly than he'd intended (which solely meant he hadn't done his best work), and so dinner had become a midday meal-- a picnic, in fact, directly outside stupid Potter's windows.

Snow fell around the red-checked blanket, but Draco cast warming charms in the air and on the fabric. While he waited for Millicent and Theodore, he lounged, systematically peeling the skin from a clementine. To ensure Potter's maximal irritation, he'd lit a fire, as well, which burned merrily beside him, cloaked in safety charms.



Log: Eloise and Ritchie run into each other

Who: Eloise and Ritchie
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: Sunday early evening
What: A reunion between two 'exes'
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing


By the time that Sunday rolled around, Eloise was tired of cooking for herself. Once she'd seen what was in her storage -- or, rather, what wasn't -- it just seemed easier to have someone else doing the cooking today. Next week would have more planning. The New Year's parties had broken up her week in an odd way, leaving the weekend to feel almost like a weekday. Of course, the fact that her employment wasn't a strict 9-5, either, didn't help much there.

She made her way to the Three Broomsticks, thinking that a quick dinner would do just the thing, and strode up to the bar to place her order. A glass of wine in hand, Eloise turned around and startled once she realised that she was face-to-face with someone who looked awfully like -- "Ritchie?"



owl: Lavender/Emma


I cannot believe you were my Secret Santa! That dress was utterly fabulous and totally scored me a date. Or at least dinner and drinks with a very attractive man! In any case, well done! And thank you!

- Lav



Owl to Megan Jones

You like kappas, tits?



Owl to Julian Dorny

The owl carries a magical copy of Megan's last owl response.

Real dick move, princess.

[No Subject]

written in a messy scrawl

not to make anyone panic or anything, I'm sure it's fine, but does anyone know where I am?

[No Subject]

General notice, for future reference:
Never accept a drinking challenge with a Hufflepuff.



Log: James and Lucy

Who: James and Lucy
What: Lunch, catching up
When: Sunday lunchtime
Where: Lucy's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Can't hardly wait to see you, things seem better off now )

Log: Sledding

Who: Merrill, Roger, and Violet

What: Sledding!

When: This morning?

Where: Hogsmeade Park?

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

There was enough snow in Hogsmeade that by the time morning came, it was Roger who was hopping on Merrill's bed, carrying Vi with him as the two of them woke the other man.

"Mer, Mer, Mer," he said in singsong that harmonized very beautifully with Vi's "Da, Da, Da!"

"Come put on your coat and things, it's a perfect day for sledding!"



Log: Justin and Wayne...

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Their flat
WHAT: Wayne gets home. Justin HAS worried.
STATUS: ongoing

Ah crap.. )



[No Subject]

I may be a little late, but thank you, Secret Santa, for your present. The purse and the accessories were just what my limited wardrobe needed. Whoever you are, you’ve excellent taste.

On a slightly different note:

I am finding myself woefully low on reading material, and I am hoping that there might be a kindred spirit or two out there. Does anyone have books by Lukas Karuzos, L. Wakefield, or M. Carneiro or about Arithmancy, Ancient History and Magical Theory in general that I can borrow? It would mean the world, and I promise that I’m good with books: no folded pages or scribbles in the margins.


I've decided to work on becoming an Animagus. I never really had a strong desire before, as I'm not sure what I would use such a form for, but I've been talking with Minerva still seems so strange to call her that about it and it sounds like a fun challenge. It would be a great refresher on Transfiguration, I'm sure, and probably help strengthen my knowledge of magical theory.

Anyone else ever thought about it? If I were to start some sort of study circle or were able to convince someone to provide lessons or instruction if anyone would like to help me convince a certain Headmistress, I would be much obliged, would anyone be interested?



journal entry: hannah

I hope I've got this journal working correctly. I'm not sure who it is all connected to, but hello! I've only just moved to Hogsmeade and am still unpacking boxes in my flat. At least I've got the essentials out: bedding and the kettle. Should tide me over until tomorrow at least.

Any recommendations on where I should go for breakfast? Not sure where to buy groceries just yet.

[Warded to Hufflepuffs]
I feel so lost here. Help!



Journal: Secret Santa reveal

I've had a couple of people ask me this weekend who their Secret Santas were because they want to say thank you. I didn't originally intended to reveal the results, but I wouldn't want to deny the givers their well-deserved thanks, either. I've written up the list below, though of course you don't have to look if you'd rather keep it a mystery.

So be good for goodness sake )