The Last Station

July 2014


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January 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

Far be it from me to tell anyone how to conduct their lives, but a party without proper cups and sustenance? You Ravenclaws do like to live dangerously, don't you?

Warded to Roger Davies
You poisoned me, you and your Housemate. Is this part of your strategy? Even if I die, you won't bed Potter before I do. And where have you gone?

Warded to Ernie Macmillan
We haven't made things terribly awkward, have we? I've never invited a friend to sleep with my boyfriend and me, so I've no idea of the protocol this morning. I hope trust we met your expectations? It was the liquor. I've no issue, usually, with going again.

Warded to Millicent Bulstrode
The things I do when you aren't about to stop me.




Let's recap, shall we?

1. No cups. Tremendous transfiguration work, you two, but I don't think those paper napkins were really built for drinks.

2. No food. I must admit, that got everyone in the party mood.

3. Not one, not two, not even three-- five complaints posted to the door of the flat this morning.

4. Raging hangovers all around, and I did pass by Eye of Newt, who seem to be offering some kind of special. At least they were ready.

5. Roger disappeared halfway through the night. At his own party. Thanks, mate.

Warded to Asher 6. And sex in the kitchen? Really? /End Ward

7. Both of you need to come back here and clean up, by the way. Cho took care of a spill last night, but you've got the rest of the place to look after.



[No Subject]

WHO | Those individuals and their plus-ones invited here.
WHEN | Saturday, January 4 from 5:00 p.m. on.
WHERE | Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.
WHAT | A birthday celebration for Zacharias!
STATUS | Ongoing.

The Fortesque family had been wonderfully helpful in arranging Zacharias' birthday celebration. The shop, closed to the public, was bright with winter sunshine. Isabel had supplied several touches of her own to compliment the many flavours of ice cream: bowls made of cookie dough and a wealth of toppings.



Log: Game 14: Falcons @ Hydras

Who: Game 14: Falcons @ Hydras
What: Quidditch!
When: Today, 12pm
Where: Bertie Botts Stadium
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Falcons at Hydras )



Journal: Recovering

Well, the cold-or-flu that hit me on Christmas day seems finally to have passed on - just in time for me to get back to work on Monday. Next time I go home, I'll need to remember to take some emergency pepper-up-potion with me. As it is, it still feels like I'm listening to the world through cotton wool.

Despite the fever and the headaches and the insomnia, being at home was lovely. The whole family got together for Christmas and I spent New Year out in Liverpool with my sisters (after taking everything I could get my hands on from the medicine cupboard). No kissing me for me, though. Wouldn't want to spread any germs.




Someone's rearranged the potions again.

Took out the labels, fixed it alphabetically by primary country of origin, then by shade, with a note to say it's a surprise quiz and good luck.

I suppose now my Sunday's covered.

Private to Millicent

Care to join me tomorrow? Draco will treat us to dinner after, as I imagine it will take the full day.

Private to Draco

If I hadn't married you I would have had to kill you.