The Last Station

July 2014


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January 6th, 2014



Owl: To Mr Caleb Warrington

Dear Mr Warrington,

I hope you don't mind me contacting you like this. I just noticed that Ms Spinks put a list of Secret Santa participants up in her journal. Apparently, you sent me the beautiful journals I received and I just wanted to say thank you. I don't know how you knew, but they'll be just perfect for my sketches. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Orla Quirke.



Journal: Choir

Public reminder that Hogsmeade choir starts again this week - Thursday 8pm in the town hall. New members happily accepted and no auditions required. Let me know if you've got any questions.

[Warded to Oliver]
Thought about making a public announcement about how incredible you are in bed (someone needs to challenge Malfoy's reputation as village sex god) but on reflection, I don't want to share.

You are, though. In case I left you in any doubt over the weekend.



[No Subject]

WHO | Roger Davies and Merrill Urquhart.
WHEN | The afternoon of Monday, January 6.
WHERE | 19 Main Street.
WHAT | Merrill receives unsettling news.
RATING | Moderate. Sensitive content warning.
STATUS | Complete.

Merrill followed, to the letter, the advice that he would have prescribed his patients, had they been adults. )



Note: Emma

On a piece of parchment, charmed to stick to the bathroom mirror at roughly Emma's head-height:



Badger Owls (+ a Raven)

The below owl is sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby.

Hi badgers and kits,

Now that we've amassed quite the congregation in this sleepy, snowy village, I've decided to throw a joint housewarming/Hufflepuff gathering at my flat. I eagerly await your presence at 23 High Street, #303, at 11AM Sunday 12 January for a potluck brunch.

I'll supply my famous eggs a la James (they're delicious!), bacon rashers, and heaps of buttered toast. You bring the rest. I don't care if you make it, buy it at the Magic Neep ready-made, etc. as long as you bring something tasty!

I'd love to host your favourite plus-one as well. Just let me know once you RSVP.



The below owl, pinned to a duplicate James made of the above letter, is sent to Cho Chang.


Would you like to join me and my housemates for a brunch housewarming at my flat on Sunday?




Owl to Susan

Hey there Hun!

Are you free tomorrow morning? Hannah and I are meeting at Qualitea for a catch up breakfast. Please come along?




Owl to Julian Dorny

Mr. Dorny:

Merlin knows you're a biased idiot, but At your earliest possible convenience, I would like to discuss a private matter with you. This matter occurred the day previous to this, and while I do sincerely wish Potter would sod off to Siberia recognise Mr. Potter's Auror presence within the village, I believe he acted with ill will, rather than any actual shred of common sense.

I will contact my solicitor if I do not hear from you within 24 hours.

Merlin bugger you all,

D. Malfoy



Log: Kevin and Millicent

Who: Kevin, Millicent
What: the business of cat adoption
When: the evening of Monday, January 6
Where: The Barkery and Catfe
Rating: low
Status: ongoing Complete!

Millicent, utter rubbish at being on time, had set a new personal record for lateness. After telling Entwhistle that she'd be round Friday to talk about adopting a cat, she didn't actually show up until Monday. At least she'd remembered to bring Eris, transporting her pet inside a wicker cat carrier, something the cat was not terribly pleased about. A low, angry rumbling emanated from within, along the occasional hiss-- all of which Millicent ignored.

Approaching the counter, and the somewhat familiar wizard manning it, Millicent set the carrier down and asked, "Entwhistle?"



Log: Pansy and Orla (at last!)

Who: Pansy and Orla
What: Orla is looking for some books, Pansy is probably looking for a victim :p
When: Monday, during Pansy's shift
Where: Hogsmeade Reads
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Everybody's looking for that something )

Log: A Day at the Office

Who: Dan and Ginny, Dan and James, plus open to whoever else wants to drop by

What: Quidditch business. Or maybe not.

When: Today

Where: Bertie Botts Stadium

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

Dan tried to keep office hours on weekdays, 9 to 5 like normal people work, but with weekend games and the Quidditch schedule being what it was work didn't always stick to 9 to 5, and he found himself making notes about setting up meetings with the general manager, or scouts, or whatever else at various points during the weekend or off hours regardless. So Mondays, as it turned out, became a day for dumping all those random notes in a pile and working through them slowly, one by one, until he could fit all the various miscellaneous items from the weekend into the blocks of his 9-to-5 weekdays.

Today, however, was not likely to be one of those days.

Owl: Roger to Cho


Up for coffee soon?


Log: Roger and Cho

Who: Roger and Cho
What: A discussion
When: Tonight
Where: Cho's flat
Rating: Low. Sensitive content.
Status: Ongoing

Roger didn't respond to Cho's last owl. )

An Owl

An Owl delivers the following to Lavender, James, Ritchie, Roger, Emma, Vicky, Hermione, Andrew, Neville, Cormac, Parvati, Harry, Alicia, Romilda, Myron, & Ginny

Read more... )


Apparently my mother thinks she's hilarious. Note to self: never tell her what I'm planning for my birthday.

[Warded to those invited to the party]

Fear not, friends, she will not be attending herself.

[Warded to Andrew]

Maybe you don't want to meet my parents after all...



Owl to Asher

Quick question for you.



Log: Caleb & Tracey & the downside of going to sleep

Who: Caleb & Tracey
Where: Tracey's flat
When: Tuesday evening
What: A sleepover that's more than they bargained for
Rating: SFW besides Caleb's Death Eater nightmare :(
Status: Ongoing


Caleb had expected dinner with Tracey to be enjoyable and what they'd ended up doing lived up to what he'd looked forward to all day. Tuesdays and Thursdays were his longest days of the week and after opening Foxglove bright and early in the morning and going straight to Hydras training, sometimes it was all Caleb could do to actually feed himself properly in the evening. Of course, he was also pleased to spend more time with his new girlfriend. Perhaps things were moving quickly, but why worry about that when everything was going so well?

"Dinner was lovely, thank you." Caleb levitated some plates and sent them off into the sink for them to wash themselves.