Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2010 Reveals! 
10th January 2011 12:30
As promised, the big reveal! But before we get to it, we want to take a few moments to thank all the people who made this year's celebration a smashing success.

- Thanks to everyone, both members and watchers, who read, viewed, commented, and recced throughout the month. The response to this year's KK was unbelievable. To date, there are nearly 1,600 comments on our 80 KK pieces, and we've had enough recs to send 36 pieces to the Daily Snitch. We're simply blown away. Thank you all!

- Second, huge thanks and applause to the members and watchers who contributed fic and art for the month. You all went above and beyond, and together we created a collection of works of which you should all be tremendously proud.

- And last but certainly not least, huge heaps of gratitude to those who stepped forward to produce extra pieces and pinch hits: [info]celandineb, [info]eeyore9990, [info]iamisaac, [info]karasu_hime, [info]leela_cat, [info]pre_raphaelite1, [info]r_grayjoy ::cough::, [info]serpenscript, [info]akatnamedeaster, [info]thegildedmagpie, [info]unbroken_halo, [info]venturous, and [info]zephre. The superstar this year, without a doubt, was [info]leela_cat, who wrote FIVE fics for KK. She gets the golden phallus trophy for that one for sure!

We're unspeakably thrilled with the results of this year's celebration, and we hope you all had a great time reading and viewing. This fandom and the talented people that comprise it are amazing.

Now, what you've all been waiting for...

Art by Daily Deviant Members:

Hottest Day in Summer (Draco/Astoria) by [info]ships_harry
…and to all a good night / Merry Christmas Git (Remus/Severus/Sirius) by [info]akatnamedeaster
Lupine Distraction (Remus/Luna) by [info]thilia
Breathless, not quiet (Ginny/Pansy) by [info]xaphania
The Comfort of Living (George/Luna) by [info]zephre
A Rather Strong Argument (Snape/Narcissa) by [info]ariadneelda
Double Stuffed (Sirius/Severus/Remus) by [info]serpenscript
With the night comes the darkness (Fred/George) by [info]fanlay
To the Victor (Draco/Ginny) by [info]ericahpfa
Nothings (Lupin/Snape) by [info]ghot
Wish I could've been there (George/Angelina/Fred) by [info]emzlovesharry
Unveiled (Severus/Sirius/Remus) by [info]karasu_hime
Giddy yap, giddy yap, giddy yap! (Snape/Harry) by [info]jin_fenghuang
Merry Christmas, Darling (Hermione/Ginny) by [info]venturous
Break (Remus/Severus) by [info]twilightsorcery
Right Where I Want You (Severus/Sirius) by [info]akatnamedeaster
Only My Touch (Neville/Draco) by [info]serpenscript
you make a lovely gift, Harry (Harry/Luna) by [info]venturous
Simply Seeking (Severus/Lucius) by [info]karasu_hime

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:

Blurring the Lines (Sirius/Harry) by [info]iamisaac
Take Two Drinks and Hex Me in the Morning (Snape/Lupin) by [info]r_grayjoy
Trip the Light Fantastic (Snape/Harry) by [info]unbroken_halo
Pulse (Sirius/Charlie, Remus/Kingsley) by [info]florahart
On the Short Walk Home (Teddy/Scorpius) by [info]elfflame
Obedience Training (Lucius/Astoria, Astoria/Orion the dog) by [info]silvernatasha
Nostrum (Snape/Lupin) by [info]unbroken_halo
The Love of Family (Draco/Scorpius) by [info]celandineb
Wound Up in Knots (Tonks/Pansy) by [info]leela_cat
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Sirius/Severus) by [info]r_grayjoy
Wild Justice (James/Severus/Sirius) by [info]torino10154
And Never Brought to Mind (Draco/Hermione/Harry) by [info]ldymusyc
Sorry Enough (Bill/Harry) by [info]eeyore9990
In Control (Snape/Draco/Harry) by [info]gypsyflame
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble (Sirius/Remus, others) -- by [info]ceredwen (with accompanying art by [info]myprettycabinet)
The Minister's Office (Harry/Tonks/Bill) by [info]ozma_katiebell
Yes, Minister (Kingsley/Draco) by [info]iamisaac
Watching, Waiting, Willing (Harry/Charlie) by [info]mindabbles
Lust in the Time of Sprouting (Neville/Ginny) by [info]thegildedmagpie
Point Me (Severus/Harry) by [info]torino10154
Swingers (Draco/Hermione, Ron/Pansy) by [info]snegurochka_lee
The Seven Potters (Snape/Neville, Snape/various) by [info]tjs_whatnot
Watching You (Harry/Draco) by [info]sdk
Dance Lessons (Snape/Harry) by [info]alisanne
Acceptance (Luna/Percy) by [info]celandineb
Skin Deep (Charlie/Harry) by [info]woldy
The Lost Boy (Neville/Ginny/Luna) by [info]kinky_kneazle
In the Bleak Mid-Winter (Severus/Minerva) by [info]inamac
Tainted Love (Harry/Draco) by [info]kabal42
Better Than Dragons (Charlie/Scorpius) by [info]leela_cat
How Lavender Brown Learned to Hate Christmas (and Love George Weasley) in Just Twelve Days (George/Lavender) by [info]luvscharlie
Chromatic (Minerva/Luna, Minerva/Tom, Minerva/Albus) by [info]purplefluffycat
Cover Up (Kingsley/Ted, side Snape/Draco) by [info]snapelike
Solstice (Severus/Narcissa) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
Tonight We're Gonna Party (Like It's 1999) (Bill/Charlie/Fred/George/Ginny) by [info]ragdoll
Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole (Snape/Moody) by [info]leela_cat
What Herold Knew (Arthur/Ginny) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
Notch (Severus/Sirius) by [info]thegildedmagpie
Polly's Juices (Ron/Draco) by [info]eeyore9990
Trust in times of war (Sirius/Severus, Sirius/Remus) by [info]lilmisblack
Witches of a Certain Age (Minerva/Andromeda) by [info]leela_cat
Strength to Carry On (Severus/Sirius) by [info]softly_sweetly
The Mirror of Nrop (Sirius/Snape/Remus, Sirius/Remus) by [info]eeyore9990
Oh What a Night (Charlie/Harry/Neville) by [info]coffee_n_cocoa
Only One Word (Remus/Draco) by [info]entrenous88
No Escape Needed (Snape/Percy) by [info]chiralove
A Clean and Bright Mirror (Percy/Severus) by [info]leela_cat
An Excess of Holiday Cheer (Harry/Draco) by [info]r_grayjoy

Art by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Christmas Eve (Viktor/Ron) by [info]vividzephyr
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble (Sirius/Remus) -- by [info]myprettycabinet (accompanying fic by [info]ceredwen)

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Seven Months Along (Charlie/Tonks) by [info]lovedlea
King of Beasts (Moody/Kingsley/?) by [info]kelly_chambliss
Gentleman's Agreement (Snape/Harry) by [info]joanwilder
Welcome Home (Sirius/Draco) by [info]drachenmina
Ipswich Flipswitch=One Witch, Two Witch (Fred/George/Angelina/Luna) by [info]amand_r
Playing With Fire (Snape/Lupin, Snape/Lupin/Black) by [info]kittylefish
You Belong to Me (Charlie/Asteria) by [info]lunalovepotter
Tidings of Joy (Sirius/Severus) by [info]snapesgirl
Only Now I See the Light (Charlie/Scorpius) by [info]paddynmoon
All That's Best of Dark and Bright (Severus/Charlie, Harry/Charlie, Severus/Lucius, Harry/Severus/Lucius) by [info]scriblerian
A Debt to Be Paid (Lupin/Snape) by [info]nimrod_9
Presents (Bill/Charlie/Harry) by [info]alafaye
10th January 2011 18:00
Great job as always, Ro (et al!).
10th January 2011 18:03
Thank you! I'm thrilled with this year's collection of fic and art. ♥
10th January 2011 18:11
Thanks to everyone who participated this year -- we could not have done it without you, our diligent deviants and wonderful watchers. And especially the PHs who came to the resuce and filled people's wishes without hesitation.

The quality of fic and art here was staggering -- you guys rock! (And much love to my gifters, [info]ozma_katiebell and [info]amand_r for giving me the hands down (or is that pants down?) best gifts of the holiday season!
10th January 2011 18:14
Totally just "ditto" and "word" to everything you just said. Our members and watchers rock my Christmas stockings!
10th January 2011 18:47
JAN! I had a sneaking suspicion that you were the lovely person responsible for that GORGEOUS bit of naughty Weasleycest! THANK YOU!!! *twirls you around*
10th January 2011 18:15
What an impressive list. I'm happy to report that in the "guess-who-wrote-this-fic" game, I batted .1000. That's right -- I got every single guess WRONG. In one case, I was willing to bet actual Muggle money on my guess. Good thing I didn't, because I was WRONG.

I'm amused to see that the fics I recced tended to be by the same author(s). (Of course, there's a bit of self-selection going on; I chose stories to read based on the pairings I love most, and the people who write those pairings tend to be people whose work I already like. But still, I didn't know at the time that R_Grayjoy and the Cats [Leela and Fluffy] had written those fine stories /g/).

Great fest, great works. Thank you all!
10th January 2011 18:31
Way to go [info]leela_cat ! That golden phallus is well earned! Btw, I loved Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole. The way you handled the pairing made me go out and search out other Snape/Moody stories.

I actually guessed right on two fics, Take Two Drinks and Hex Me in the Morning and Mirror of Norp, the rest I had no clue. :P
10th January 2011 18:31
Thanks for running such a great exchange! I've been blown away by the variety of pairings and quality of the fics and art :-D
10th January 2011 18:34
Thanks to the mods for letting me play; I really do love working off just a prompt! You guys ran a wonderful fest!
10th January 2011 19:01
Whee, reveals!

Thank you, Rowan and everyone, for a great fest! I had so much fun! And thank you, [info]iamisaac, for the fantastic fic. :D

Psst, Rowan, you forgot the pairing in your last fic. ;)
10th January 2011 19:02
Wow! I think I am more surprised by some results here than I have been at any other fest I was watching! Not a good or bad thing, of course, just interesting. :)

Thanks, mods! And to [info]ldymusyc for taking my prompt and running with it. I suspected! ;) Everyone did an awesome job. ♥
10th January 2011 19:45
Eeeeeeee, thank you [info]ships_harry, for that delightful art! It was fantastic! And thank you to [info]ragdoll and [info]r_grayjoy for such a fun fest! :D
10th January 2011 19:54
This fest is always such a treat, and we really appreciate all the hard work you mods put into this. Thank you.

And thank you to [info]lovedlea and [info]ericahpfa for my wonderful gifts. I loved them so much.
10th January 2011 20:05
Awww! I had a tiny suspicion that "An Excess of Holiday Cheer" might have been yours, [info]r_grayjoy, but since H/D isn't your usual thing, I'm still surprised and so pleased. *g* And big thanks to [info]karasu_hime for the delicious Sirius/Remus/Severus art, and to [info]softly_sweetly for the nummy Severus/Sirius fic, now that I know who to thank properly!

Great job running this, as always!
10th January 2011 20:22
Yay! Thanks again [info]coffee_n_cocoa for my gift as well thanks for the hard work of the Mods, Members, and Watchers for a wonderfully kinky fest. Maybe I'll be able to finally catch up!
10th January 2011 21:11
Amazing quality this year. Thanks for running such a great fest!

(And I still can't believe I wrote what I wrote!)
10th January 2011 21:23
This was such an amazing fest. So many brilliant stories and pieces of art, I was spoiled for choice. And I'm still not done going through them all. Sometimes I think I'll be reading and commenting until this year's KK begins. ;D

Thank you to the mods; you did a brilliant job under trying circumstances. Especially Ro, who didn't blink when I wandered up and said, "So I have this Minerva/Andromeda thing..."

But I really have to thank [info]sdk, [info]woldy, and [info]scriblerian for my amazing gifts. I'm going to hold these close to reread and warm me up on a chilly day.
10th January 2011 21:27
Whee! Thank you so much to my darling [info]unbroken_halo and to the deliciously naughty [info]torino10154 for my Snarry gifts!
Tory! We wrote for each other. *giggles*
You girls definitely put a smile on my face. *glomps*

Thanks also to the mods for all your hard work! I was bad this year I'm afraid, but I do plan to catch up. Someday. Hopefully before next Kinky Kristmas. *sigh*

10th January 2011 22:31
Awesome as always!!!
10th January 2011 22:43
Slowly going back to the modly duties, I can't think of a better way to get into what is happening in the comm, and to get to know the new artists and authors. I've read pairings I usually don't, and I have enjoyed this KK so much.

Thanks to all of you, writers, artists, watchers and pinch-hitters! And to [info]r_grayjoy and [info]ragdoll, of course, who've made this such a great fest. It's damned easy to be modly when others do the hard work. *kisses*

And the people who wrote/drew for me: [info]leela_cat, [info]chiralove and [info]karasu_hime? I adore you! I am not done petting my wonderful gifts, and I don't think it'll happen soon. I love them! Thanks! <3
11th January 2011 13:08
Thanks as always to our tireless mods! Another wildly successful exchange this year - you all did such a wonderful job.

And thanks to both [info]myprettycabinet and [info]ceredwen for filling my prompt. It still stings a little, but in that way that Sirius/Remus always does.

♥ & *hugs* to everyone - and I cannot wait til next year!

11th January 2011 15:54
Whee, such a fantastic fest this year! I really enjoyed writing my fic, and had such a great time reading and viewing everyone's terrific work! Thanks so much to the mods for their wonderful work on this, another great year of KK!
13th January 2011 03:18
Thanks so much to [info]thegildedmagpie and [info]serpenscript for my wonderful gifts! I can't stop reading and looking!

And thanks to the amazing mods for another amazing year!
14th January 2011 08:39
Thank you so much to the mods and the lovely [info]ghot for a very happy Christmas, indeed! *HUGS*

love, lore
16th January 2011 07:40
Dear lovely mods, my hat off to you for running this! The sheer variety was staggering, and there were some stunning bits of work. And I still need to catch up; this list is a very tasty looking thing indeed.
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