Title: Begeren
Author: nightfalltwenCharacters/Pairings: Draco/Theodore; Draco/OFC (briefly)
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: bordellos, virgins
Other Warnings: slight drug use (wizarding absinthe)
Word Count: ~2300
Summary/Description: Theodore brings Draco to a brothel in Amsterdam for the purpose of losing his virginity before seventh year.
Author's Notes: I do believe that this would be my first foray into slash smut. But I am trying to push my boundaries and I hope that this does just that and I hope that I have done the pairing justice. Special thank you to
cryptaknight and also to the mods for letting me delay my posting. The title was a google search for the Dutch word for desire/want/crave. I don't speak Dutch, so forgive me if I'm wrong.
( Begeren )