Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
2nd April 2008 12:32 - blue_onion April art post
Title: "Mesmerize"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Remus/?
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Mansweat!
Themes/kinks chosen: Salirophilia
Artist's notes: I've been trying to bring myself to give Remus the canon John Waters/pedophile moustache for years, and I can't do it.

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19th March 2008 17:01 - blue_onion art post
Title: "The Peepshow Charm"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Snape
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: X-ray vision and cross-dressing!
Themes/kinks chosen: Corsets
Artist's notes: Sorry if it seems a bit hurriedly drawn. I've had a rough month.

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Caption: "To date, the Weasley twins have been notoriously tight lipped about the reasons behind the abrupt abandonment of their hotly anticipated Peepshow charm during its experimental phase."
2nd February 2008 11:56
Title: "The Honeymooners"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Bill/?
Rating: PG-13/Soft R. Sort of NWS.
Warnings: Impending bestiality? Or not? You decide. And a little peek of man-butt.
Themes/kinks chosen: Mock Marriage.
Artist's notes: So here's the background story. In a wizarding tradition similar to that of Hinduism, the Weasleys decide to consult a Divinations expert in regards to the future of Bill and Fleur prior to their wedding. To their horror, the fortune teller predicts that Bill's first wife will die within the first month of marriage. Thus, once again in the style of some rural South Indian villages, it is decided that Bill will marry an 'alternative bride', divorce her, and then marry Fleur so that the other bride will die instead of her. But some arcane wizarding law pops up, as it often does it in fanfiction, and it is discovered that even a mock marriage must be consummated to be considered legal.

Heh. Heh. Heh.

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24th December 2007 08:01 - Fic+Art: The Tales Mirrors Could Tell (Blaise/Narcissa; NC-17)
Title: The tales mirrors could tell
Author: [info]millieweasley, [info]faraday
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con, Dirty Talk, NWS-art
Themes/kink: Kinky Kristmas 2007
Word Count: ca 8800
Summary: After doing something to please the Dark Lord, Blaise gets to choose his reward

The snow was falling outside the large French windows… )
2nd November 2007 21:24
Title: "Feast"
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Draco/Fenrir
Rating: R (upgraded upon request from original PG rating)
Warnings: It's funny when you have to warn for a lack of porn. Sorry, it's more creepy than erotic. Oh, and imending non-con and violence.
Themes/kinks chosen: "Draco is bitten by Fenrir as punishment from Voldemort for not killing Dumbledore."
Artist's notes: I'm not sure if I missed any sort of clause in the community rules requiring explicit pornography, and if that's the case, I apologize. I was kind of more interested in the horrific buildup before the actual bite, like watching a predator play with its food. In this case, literally.

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2nd October 2007 08:33 - Hey ya'all!
Title: Untitled
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Ron/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Het, Nudity - NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: 73. Ron/Tonks. Tonks as dom, Ron sub. Spanking, pegging (magic strap-on for her pleasure), light bondage, not humiliating. Plot if you can add it in.
Artist's notes: Umm... I'm not that big on bondage or spanking, but I was intrigued by the pegging bit. And I think Ron's having too much fun at the moment to feel humiliated. I did throw in a blindfold to spice things up a bit more. =D

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15th September 2007 11:38
Title: "Teamwork"
Artist: blue_onion
Characters: Colin Creevey/Harry Potter/Romilda Vane
Media: Wacom tablet, Photoshop, Opencanvas
Rating: Hard R, NWS
Themes chosen: Light bondage, public sex, love (albeit very freaky and scary love)
Other kinks/warnings: Dub con, threesome, clothed erection, Romilda's badonkadonk
Summary: Colin and Romilda join forces to waylay the Ministry's most famous Auror in an elevator on his way home from work.
Artist's note: Arrgh... hangover...

Mmmmph! )
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