Title: not okay, but just fine
Author: trysloraCharacters/Pairings: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Hermione/Ginny, background Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: small breasts, alternate pairing (any two Weasleys/any female)
Other Warnings: infidelity, pegging, double penetration, incest
Word Count: 3,811 words
Summary/Description: Ron loves his wife. He
does. But sometimes he daydreams about the little things, like tits so tiny he can fit them in the palm of his hand or swallow them with just one bit. And Ginny? She’s got the perfect set of little tits.
Author's Notes: The alternate pairing said “go wild” and um, I have this definite head canon of Ginny built with these spare hips and breasts, and then I thought of Ron, and earth-mother Hermione, and I just… I had to do it. The title is totally from Ron’s rationalizing head. Thank you to M for reading; so many <3 for you, hon.
( not okay, but just fine )