Title: Ale's Swell That Ends Well
Author: inamacCharacters/Pairings: Sirius/James Snr.
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: enemas
Other Warnings: Abuse of puns and alcohol
Word Count: 2800
Summary/Description: "Actually," James said, "I've heard that the quickest way to get really pissed is to take it up the arse."Author's Notes: I had intended my first post to this community to be tastefully hot erotica. The muse decided otherwise. So you get icky smut. Sorry. Will try to do better in future. Thanks to
leni_jess for beta above and beyond the call of duty, and
lordhellebore for unprompted encouragement. None of this is their fault.
( Ale's Swell That Ends Well )