Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
31st October 2008 00:00 - FIC: Nighttime Feeding (NC-17; Ron/Hermione, others implied; 2970 words)
Title: Nighttime Feeding
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Characters: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Themes/Kinks Chosen: Lactaphilia/Bondage, oral sex
Word Count: 2970
Summary: "The milk, the milk is the life!"
Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]eeyore9990 and [info]fodirteg, for beta'ing, and [info]kerryblaze for the read-over. This fic is dedicated to [info]shocolate, who won the tailoring of my October [info]daily_deviant offering by generously supporting marriage equality as a bidder in the [info]livelongnmarry charitable event at LiveJournal.

Nighttime Feeding )
31st August 2008 00:57 - FIC: Come Again (NC-17; Snarry; 1720 words)
Title: Come Again
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Theme/Kinks Chosen: Relics/anal, bondage, (mild) D/S, masturbation, oral sex, orgasm denial, rimming
Word Count: 1720
Summary: Where there's a wizard, there's a relic.
Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]eeyore9990 and [info]fodirteg, for beta'ing. This fic is dedicated to [info]the_kinky_pet, who won the tailoring of my August [info]daily_deviant offering by generously supporting marriage equality as a bidder in the livelongnmarry charitable event at LiveJournal. ♥

Come Again )
31st July 2008 12:00 - FIC: A Romance of Maths (NC-17; Luna/Severus; 2373 words)
Title: A Romance of Maths
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Theme/Kinks Chosen: courtship/lingerie, loss of virginity, oral sex
Word Count: 2373
Summary: Sometimes courtship requires a bit of calculation.
Author's Notes: This piece is new, but it was inspired by an old ficlet of mine. Thank you, [info]fbowden, [info]florahart and [info]fodirteg, for beta'ing.

A Romance of Maths )
31st May 2008 00:50 - FIC: Chained, by Choice (NC-17; Lucius/Hermione/Severus; 1000 words)
Title: Chained, by Choice
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Theme/Kinks Chosen: male-to-male fellatio/bondage, orgasm denial
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Lucius wrought the chains that now hold him.
Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]eeyore9990, for beta'ing. This fic, my first [info]daily_deviant offering, is a piece of pure fan-service involving [info]shiv5468's OT3, and it is dedicated to her with my compliments.

Chained, by Choice )
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