Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
23rd August 2019 23:40 - Fic - Release [Regulus; NC-17]
Title: Release
Author: hikarievandar
Characters/Pairings: Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Automasochism
Other Warnings/Content: Bondage, toys, masturbation
Word Count: 2645
Summary/Description: Regulus has his own way to relax.
Author's Notes: I accidentally missed my last posting, sorry! Hope this makes up for it.

Release )
14th August 2019 23:04 - Fic: Flawless (Neville/Charlie)
Title: Flawless.
Author: [info]digthewriter
Characters/Pairings: Neville/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: For August 2019: axilism (/maschalagnia) & automasochism
Other Warnings/Content: Zelophilia: Arousal by own jealousy.
Word Count: 2000
Summary: Neville smiled and didn't reply. He didn't have the words for it. So far, the little Neville had shown him, Charlie had accepted. Beyond acceptance—Charlie had made it an integral part of them.
Author's Notes: Thanks to Olliemaye for the beta. All the remaining mistakes are mine as my g-docs crashed and my edits were all over the place. Also thanks to Zoe for helping me find a title!

Flawless )
13th August 2019 21:29 - Fic: Foreplay (Harry/Draco; NC-17)
Title: Foreplay
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 2) axilism: armpit sex!*
Other Warnings/Content: blow job, anal fingering, hand job, fighting/dueling (but nothing hardcore), semi-public sex
Word Count: ~6,300
Summary/Description: Getting a raging hard-on on the duelling room floor, pinned under Harry Potter’s sweaty body, is not how Draco saw his day going, but… Well, here he is.
Author's Notes: I’m sorry for the incredibly unimaginative title. Julcheninred was no help with that either, though she was hugely helpful with the rest! Thank you, Jules! <3

*So, damn. I sort of messed this up a bit? As in, when I came in to look at the DD themes for the month, I read this ‘armpit kink’ rather than actual ‘armpit sex’. *facepalm* I’m really hoping to get a bit of a pass here because nobody’s cock goes in an armpit in this story. But there is some armpit kink at least, so… armpits? Is that good enough? Yikes! Sorry to all you armpit sex enthusiasts out there who may now be bummed out.

And last but not least, this short smutty story is my gift to bixgirl1 on her birthday today. B, this is not near the story you deserve, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I hope your birthday is wonderful and full of everything good. You deserve it so much. So so much. I love you. <3

Foreplay )
9th August 2019 09:43 - FIC: Burn (Charlie Weasley, NC-17)
Title: Burn
Author: [info]gracerene
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley, Male Dragon/Female Dragon, brief fantasy of Charlie/Male Dragon
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Pyrophilia & Rape Fantasy (kind of?)
Other Warnings/Content: masturbation, masochism, pyrophilia, het dragon sex, (kind of) voyeurism, (kind of) rape fantasy, bestiality fantasy, mild burn kink
Word Count: ~1,650
Summary/Description: Everybody knew Charlie loved dragons, but nobody had ever thought to ask him why.
Author's Notes: And so continues my quest to write the weirdest/kinkiest shit possible. It is my destiny. You're welcome. ;)

Thank you so very much to [info]capitu and [info]pauraque for their willingness to look this weird-ass fic over. Y'all are the best! <3

Burn )
3rd August 2019 21:59 - Fic: Fantasy (Dudley/George/Fred, NC-17)
Title: Fantasy
Author: TheMightyFlynn
Characters/Pairings: Dudley/George, Dudley/Fred, Dudley/George/Fred
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Pairing
Other Warnings/Content: Humiliation, fantasy sequence, spanking, spit roast, blow jobs, anal sex, wanking.
Word Count: 1173
Summary/Description: Dudley has been fantasising about this for years now. And he will be for years to come.
Author's Notes: The idea for this hasn't left me alone since I saw the pairing option. Hope yo uall like it! :)

Fantasy )
1st August 2019 19:19 - ART: LIT (LAVENDER BROWN, R)
Title: Lit
Artist: mywitch
Media: digital
Characters/Pairings: Lavender Brown
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: pyrophilia: deriving sexual gratification from fire
Other Warnings/Content: Don't try this at home! Lavender is a witch and knows what she's doing. I hope. ;)
Artist's Notes: My first post of the year, and it's only August... Sorry I've been away, but hopefully I will get back on track soon! :D
This is yet another kink I'd never heard of before. Thank you Daily Deviant for the education!

Lit )
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