Title: The Skin We Live In
Author: da_angel729Required Character and Prompt: Tom Riddle/Voldemort, uninvited guests/party crashers
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort/Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: R
Content/Warnings: Masturbation, Rough Sex, Blow Job, Cunnilingus
Word Count: 1,321
Summary/Description: He's been in this new body only a few months the first time he tries to masturbate. Set during
Order of the Phoenix.
Author's Notes: Written for
daily_deviant for the Six Years Celebration with a prompt of
Tom Riddle/Voldemort and
uninvited guests/party crashers. I own nothing you recognize. This is my first post here and I want thank you all for giving me this opportunity! As always, feedback and con crit appreciated.
( The Skin We Live In )