| Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: lokifanFrom: A Mischievous Member Title: Draco's Banging Birthday Pairings: Draco/Neville, Draco+Luna/Ginny, Draco/Harry, Draco/Pansy, Draco/Kingsley Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: Restraints, anal, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, threesome, rimming, anal fingering, vaginal fisting, size kink, biting, hint of D/s Word Count: 1245 Summary: From the prompt: Draco is a very spoilt birthday boy and he wants EVERYTHING. No, EVERYONE. Author's Notes: Thank you to the lovely S for her help! ( Draco's Banging Birthday ) - Tags:
*banging birthday, *fic, 2016-04, character: draco, character: ginny, character: harry, character: kingsley, character: luna, character: neville, character: pansy, content: anal, content: cunnilingus, content: fingering, content: fisting, content: rimming, content: threesome, content: voyeurism
| Title: Remember Me Fondly Author: writcraftCharacters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Adolescentism (a form of ageplay relating to teenage years), Impotence Other Warnings/Content: Fisting, Rimming, Injury, Angst, Romance Word Count: 6,700 Summary/Description: He hates remembering the way Harry - Potter - used to look at him. Most of all he hates the way that more often than not, Harry wouldn’t bother looking at him at allReminiscing about the past was supposed to be fun, but with old animosities and buried insecurities, it was never going to be that straightforward. Author's Notes: I had a lot of back and forth with the themes this month, and I have a totally different piece and pairing sitting in my working drafts. In the end it was Harry and Draco who pushed for this story to be told. Thanks to A for beta reading not just the fic which probably won’t see the light of day, but also this fic too. Thanks to the mods for being very good about me missing my original positing date. ( Remember Me Fondly ) |
| Title: Correspondence Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Hermione Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Erotographomania, sensory deprivation Other Warnings: Bondage, caning, fisting, masturbation, fantasies, epistolary fic. Word Count: ~2,300 Summary/Description: Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; for, thus friends absent speak. - John Donne Author's Notes: For redcandle17, whose ideas inspired more than one story from me. With thanks to deirdre_aithne for the early read through. Thanks to M for the beta. ( Correspondence ) - Tags:
*fic, 2011-07, author: kinky_kneazle, character: hermione, character: severus, content: blindfolding, content: caning, content: d/s, content: fisting, content: masturbation, theme: erotographomania, theme: sensory deprivation
| Title: "The Mists of Fate" Author: pre_raphaelite1Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Morgan le Fey, Godric/Rowena, Godric/Helena Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: All the crap I didn't use last year!: celibacy, claustrophilia, cock rings, cunnilingus, discipline, festivals, flagellation, genital shaving, handkerchief codes, harems, humiliation, incest, jewelry, menstrual taboo, paddling, pediophilia, phallophilia, prostitution, pyrophilia, rectal exams, sacrifices, sexual harassment, sex under the influence, tattooing, thalpotentiginy, vasectomy, xenophilia Other Warnings: fisting, domination, s/m Word Count: 1900 Summary/Description: Morgan knew the fate that awaited them all, the stretching path through time that would see so much bloodshed that she was powerless to stop. Author's Notes: So I lost track of days and realised this evening that it was my day to post so I wrote this quickly... and after spending two days watching The Mists of Avalon. This explains everything. I think. Well that and I'm pre_raphaelite1? For which there is no explanation. ( The Mists of Fate ) - Tags:
*fic, 2011-01, author: pre_raphaelite1, character: godric, character: helena, character: rowena, content: cross-gen, content: dominance, content: fisting, content: masochism, theme: analingus, theme: claustrophilia, theme: cunnilingus, theme: discipline, theme: everything old is new, theme: festivals, theme: flagellation, theme: genital shaving, theme: handkerchief codes, theme: harems, theme: humiliation, theme: incest, theme: jewelry, theme: menstrual taboo, theme: paddling, theme: phallophilia, theme: prostitution, theme: pyrophilia, theme: rectal exams, theme: sacrifices, theme: sex under the influence, theme: tattooing, theme: thalpotentiginy, theme: vasectomy, theme: xenophilia
| Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: serpenscriptFrom: tjs_whatnotTitle: The Seven Potters Characters/Pairings: Severus/Various, Severus/Neville Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: prostitute!Snape, bottom!Snape, humiliation, fisting, double penetration, blow job, double blow job, angst Other Warnings/Content: Noncon (forced prostitution), possible Weasleycest, crossgen, A/U Word Count: 8,500 Summary/Description: Deemed “too cruel,” Azkaban is dismantled. Instead, Death Eaters are assigned sentences befitting their crimes. At first, Severus thinks his luck has changed. Forced to prostitution, at least he won’t have to worry about meeting anyone he knows; they are all too proper for that, or so he thinks. It’s going to be a LONG week. Author's Notes: Recip--I don’t know who you are and I don’t know whether I love you or hate you for this prompt but I really hope you like it, and that it is even close to what you were looking for. ( The Seven Potters ) - Tags:
*fic, *kinky kristmas 2010, 2010-12, author: tjs_whatnot, character: neville, character: severus, content: blowjobs, content: cross-gen, content: double penetration, content: fisting, content: humiliation, content: non-con
| Title: Empty Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Xenophilius Lovegood/Olympe Maxime Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: xenophilia: a sexual attraction to the exotic, strangers, or the unknown Other Warnings: Fisting and frottage Word Count: 1,000 words Summary/Description: Xenophilius keeps looking for something different in the hope that it will fill the emptiness inside. Author's Notes: I never thought I'd write fisting, yet here it is. I blame daily_deviant completely. With thanks to my sweetheart for the super quick beta and to the lovely mods for allowing me to post this late after my panic attack and a complete rewrite. ( Before Xenophilius met his wife it never bothered him that he was an outsider. ) |
| Title:One night, but there's no need to stand Author: woldy Pairings: Ginny Weasley/anonymous women, & highlight for pairing spoilers: Ginny Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Hanky code; hints of jewellery Other Warnings: Anonymous sex, spanking, fisting, rimming, brief mentions of other hanky code kinks. Word Count: ~2600 words Summary: In this room all that mattered was what you wanted, and the only negotiation required was a scrap of coloured fabric. Author's Notes: Many thanks to my betas kellychambliss and bewarethesmirk. I'm excited to be posting my first fic here! ( One night, but there's no need to stand ) - Tags:
*fic, 2010-02, author: woldy, character: ?, character: ginny, content: femslash, content: fisting, content: lesbians, content: rimming, content: spanking, theme: handkerchief codes, theme: jewelry
| Title: "Bedside Manner" Author: thegildedmagpieCharacters/Pairings: Poppy Pomfrey/Lavender Brown, small side of Ernie Macmillan Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: cat fighting, fingering, fisting, hypephilia, masturbation (hands-free/pillowhumping), medical scenes Other Warnings: sex with an intoxicated minor, abuse of authority, dubcon Word Count: 1260 Summary/Description: Madam Pomfrey likes her patients to sleep soundly. Author's Notes: On that name coincidence … at one point I was thinking of using all the flower names from the books and having a Poppy/Lavender/Daphne Greengrass threesome scene with voyeur!Myrtle and a flashback to Lily Potter getting a letter from Petunia while in hospital ... but I saw reason in the end. Um. Yay? Oh, and -- yes, that is the natural remedy to increase the production of cervical mucus. Double yay? ( Bedside Manner ) - Tags:
*fic, 2010-01, author: thegildedmagpie, character: lavender, character: poppy, content: chan, content: cross-gen, content: cunnilingus, content: dub-con, content: femslash, content: fingering, content: fisting, content: masturbation, content: oral sex, theme: cat fighting, theme: everything old is new, theme: fisting, theme: hand jobs/fingering, theme: hyphephilia, theme: masturbation, theme: medical scenes, theme: sex in the workplace
| Title: On display Artist: ships_harryMedia: PS, tablet Characters: Remus Lupin and Hermione Granger (er, so it's AU, because he aten't dead here) Rating: NC-17 Warnings: FEMALE GENITALIA ZOMGS. Also, fisting and romance. Themes/kinks chosen: Alternative pairing: Remus/Hermione Artist's notes: Remus knows how to get under Hermione's skin. I admit to having to use a reference for one very specific section of the pic :). Art preview: ( Punch on through, viewers. ) |
| Title: Some Discretion Advised Author: celandinebCharacters: Remus/Severus Rating: NC17 Warnings: fisting Themes/kinks chosen: anal plugs Word Count: 2000 exactly Summary: In carrying out Severus's instructions, Remus has to be very discreet. Author's notes: Set during PoA, so intended to be canon-compliant. ( Some Discretion Advised ) |
| Title: The Small Pleasures In Life Author: ldybastetCharacters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape Rating: NC-17 Warnings: light D/s, bondage, sounding, fisting Kinks chosen: D/s, bondage, sounding, fisting Word Count: 2650 Summary: After the War is over, Lucius and Severus have time for the exploration of various carnal pleasures... Author's notes: Written for lysa1 who wanted Lucius/Severus, having time to explore after the war, D/s, love, fisting and sounding. I aim to please! :-) ( The Small Pleasures In Life ) |
| Title: Absolutely Straight Author: freckles42Characters: Ginny Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks Rating: R Warnings: ( I find warnings to be spoilers, but if you must know... click. )Themes/kinks chosen: Lesbians Word Count: 1059 Disclaimer: All characters portrayed are at least 18 years of age. None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox. Summary: Ginny Weasley is absolutely straight and she's going to prove it to Nymphadora Tonks the only way she knows how. Author's notes: None, for once! ( Ginny Weasley wasn't gay ) |
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