| Title: I Spy With My Little Eye... Author: nightfalltwenCharacters/Pairings: Daphne/Millicent; Goyle/Himself Rating: NC17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breasts, Baths, Masturbation, Cunnilingus, Voyeurism Other Warnings/Content: They're all between the ages of 17 and 18 Word Count: 2100 Summary/Description: He might be dumb, but he's smart enough to figure out the best place to watch. Author's Notes: Haven't posted in a long long while and I think I missed my posting date so I hope no one minds that I've posted on a random day. It's my birthday tomorrow! :D ( I Spy With My Little Eye... ) - Tags:
*fic, 2019-01, author: nightfalltwen, character: daphne, character: goyle, character: millicent, content: cunnilingus, content: femslash, content: masturbation, content: teen sex, content: voyeurism, theme: baths, theme: breasts, theme: everything old is new, theme: masturbation, theme: voyeurism
| Title: Tryst Artist: seraphinavictus Media: Watercolors, inks, markers, and colored pencils Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix Lestrange/Sirius Black Rating: R Kinks/Themes Chosen: breasts, gloves Other Warnings/Content: Incest Artist's Notes: She just can't help her cousin's charming smile. ( Tryst ) |
| Title: Sinking Under (With You) Author: snax0 Characters/Pairings: Narcissa/Astoria. Rating: NC-17. Kinks/Themes Chosen: Everything Old is New Again: age disparity, baths, breasts, praise. Other Warnings/Content: Implied infidelity. Word Count: 1,380. Summary: Celebration. Author's Notes: My first fic for the comm! Thank you for having me, and I hope you enjoy! ( Read More ) - Tags:
*fic, 2019-01, author: snax0, character: astoria, character: narcissa, content: femslash, content: fingering, theme: age disparity, theme: baths, theme: breasts, theme: everything old is new, theme: praise
| Title: Magic on Your Tongue Author: gracereneCharacters/Pairings: Lily Luna Potter/James Sirius Potter, vague mentions of past Lily Luna Potter/OMCs Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breasts & Illegal Sex Other Warnings/Content: sibling incest, underage in some countries (though not technically in the UK), oral sex, cunnilingus Word Count: ~3,800 Summary/Description: "I can't stop thinking about it," Lily confesses, soft and urgent. "Nobody's ever made me feel so good, James. I want to feel like that again."Author's Notes: Lily is 16 years old and James is 19. Sibling incest in the UK is a bit of a murky grey area, legality-wise, particularly when it's consensual and the participants are both over the legal age of consent (16), but I figure it's enough of a taboo to qualify to the Illegal Sex theme. I envision this taking place in my Magic universe, but this can be read as a stand-alone fic, and you don't have to be familiar with the others to read this one. All the thanks in the world to the amazing capitu for looking this over for me, and to the ever-brilliant lq_traintracks for her stellar beta work! She always has the best feedback! <3 ( Magic on Your Tongue ) - Tags:
*fic, 2018-09, author: gracerene, character: james sirius, character: lily luna, content: cunnilingus, content: incest, content: oral sex, content: teen sex, theme: breasts, theme: illegal sex
| Title: Snare Author: lq_traintracksCharacters/Pairings: Pansy/Hermione, (mentions of past Hermione/Ron, mentions of future Hermione/OMCs) Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) breasts, 3) illegal sex, 4) pompoir: a sexual technique, said to require extensive training and practice to master, in which both participants remain still while the penetrated partner uses their muscles to rhythmically stimulate their partner's penis whatever they've got up there ;) Other Warnings/Content: darkside wins AU; non-con & dub-con (coercion mostly); the coerced person getting off (Hermione hates it, enjoys it; it's pretty complicated); non-con prostitution/sex work (I've been watching a loooooot of Harlots), mentions of non-canon character deaths (highlight to read): * Lee Jordan, Ernie Macmillan, Seamus Finnigan (sorry!)*; finger-fucking; cunnilingus; mentions of sex with a strap-on; boobs all the boobs! Word Count: 6,200 Summary/Description: "Making me come doesn't mean you've won," Hermione says. Because she's afraid maybe she will and she needs to prevaricate now, while she still can. God, what if this is the time it happens? What if it's Pansy Parkinson? In a brothel? When Hermione has no bloody choice? "Oh Granger," says Pansy wistfully. "Nobody wins here."Author's Notes: Ngl, boy howdy, did I have an excellent time writing this! Please mind those warnings. I didn't think I'd have this ready for my posting day, but here I am under the wire with the fabulous help of sdk! <3 ( Snare ) - Tags:
*fic, 2018-09, author: lumosedquill, author: train_tracks, character: hermione, character: pansy, content: corsets, content: cunnilingus, content: dub-con, content: femslash, content: fingering, content: hate sex, content: lesbians, content: non-con, content: oral sex, content: prostitution, content: strap-ons, theme: breasts, theme: illegal sex, theme: pompoir
| Title: Peephole Artist: mywitch Characters/Pairings: Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley Rating: M Kinks/Themes Chosen:1) breasts Digital ArtSummary/Description: Just a couple of pureblood babes getting past House differences Artist Note: Come on, who doesn't like breasts? ( Peephole ) |
| Title: "Practically Pristine" Author: pre_raphaelite1Characters/Pairings: Myrtle, Remus/Slughorn, unnamed Hufflepuffs, Minerva/Tonks, Ron, Anthony/Fat Lady, Dobby, Luna/Sanguini, Carrows/unnamed student, Ginny/Pansy, Cedric/Cho Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: andomimetophilia, anthropophagy, birth control/condoms, blood play, body painting, breasts, breathplay, catamites, clamps, costumes, dungeons, edible aphrodesiacs, execution, genital whipping, hands-free masturbation, hyphephilia, kleptophilia, medical kink, partner swapping, personal ads, pornography, red wings, ritual sex, sex shows, sex in the workplace, symphorophili, sperm banks/fetish, spectrophilia, threesomes, tourniquets, underwear Other Warnings: Uh... You need more? Word Count: 1100 exactly Summary/Description: People think I spend all my time sitting alone in my u-bend thinking morbid thoughts. But I'll tell you a secret: I don't. Oh sometimes one must dwell on death in the curve of a pipe but there are other much nicer things to think and do and see.Author's Notes: Well, this is every kink/theme I didn't write last year... Talk about a challenge! And far, far too many tags. ( Practically Pristine ) - Tags:
*fic, 2010-01, author: pre_raphaelite1, character: ?, character: alecto, character: amycus, character: anthony, character: cedric, character: dobby, character: ginny, character: horace, character: luna, character: minerva, character: myrtle, character: pansy, character: remus, character: ron, character: tonks, content: bdsm, content: bloodplay, content: breathplay, content: costumes, content: cross-gen, content: crossdressing, content: cunnilingus, content: d/s, content: dominance, content: frottage, content: gender switch, content: lesbians, content: lingerie, content: masturbation, content: role-playing, content: student/student, content: student/teacher, content: teen sex, content: threesome, content: voyeurism, theme: andromimetophilia, theme: anthropophagy, theme: birth control, theme: bloodplay, theme: body painting, theme: breasts, theme: breathplay, theme: catamites, theme: clamps, theme: costumes, theme: dungeons, theme: edible aphrodisiacs, theme: everything old is new, theme: execution, theme: genital whipping, theme: hyphephilia, theme: kleptophilia, theme: masturbation, theme: medical scenes, theme: personal ads, theme: red wings, theme: ritual sex, theme: sex in the workplace, theme: sex shows, theme: spectrophilia, theme: sperm banks, theme: swinging, theme: symphorophilia, theme: threesomes, theme: tourniquets, theme: underwear
| Title: I Like My Weasleys in Pairs Author: luvscharlieCharacters/Pairings: Fred/Tonks/George, (Past mentions of: Remus/Tonks, Bill/Tonks/Charlie) Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breasts, Menage a trois Other Warnings: Twincest, Threesome, Anal, Light Bondage and sex, sex, sex Word Count: 3936 Summary/Description: Tonks has discovered that she likes her Weasley men to come two at a time. Author's Notes: I actually didn't think I'd be able to write something this month and woke up and this rabid bunny attacked me first thing. Thank you almond_joyz and lilmisblack for the speedy beta work. I'd planned for this to be a short little drabble for fandom_fridays and then boom, I was blindsided by this. So, it is also written for Week #8 at Fandom Fridays, where the prompt was "Laughter is…" ( I Like My Weasleys in Pairs ) - Tags:
*fic, 2010-01, author: luvscharlie, character: bill, character: charlie, character: fred, character: george, character: remus, character: tonks, content: anal, content: bondage, content: threesome, content: voyeurism, theme: breasts, theme: everything old is new, theme: threesomes
| Title: Lily's Body Artist: thiliaMedia: Photoshop 7, Tablet Characters: Harry/Lily II Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Incest, cross-gen, possibly chan, hairy Harry ;) Themes/kinks chosen: Breasts Artist's notes: I was so excited about becoming a member of daily_deviant that I finished this about three weeks ago and waited impatiently to finally be able to post it XD Never drawn this pairing but I love it ♥ Oh, I need a Lily Luna tag :) ( NWS ) |
| Title: Releasing the Hounds Author: eeyore9990Characters: Ron Weasley/Harry Potter's bewbies Rating: R Warnings: more slashy than het but not really, unfortunate come shots, tit wanking Themes/kinks chosen: Breasts Word Count: ~3100 Summary: It's all about the tits... and that makes it okay. Right? Author's notes: Undying thanks go to leela_cat who choked down her revulsion at the thought of Ron in any sort of sexual situation to beta this for me. Also, this is my very favorite bunny ever, I think. :D I had way too much fun writing this. *glee* ( Releasing the Hounds ) |
| Title: Our Little Secret Author: ldymusycCharacters: Draco Malfoy/Madam Rosmerta Rating: NC17 Warnings: Crossgen, non-con, masturbation, character under 18 Themes/kinks chosen: Breasts Word Count: 3000 Summary: Draco's use of an Unforgivable Curse for guilty pleasure leaves him guilty. Author's notes: Thank you so much to the mods for the invitation! I was so excited I had to write immediately. :D And much obliged to my friend Kay, who looked this over for me and plaintively asked "Why do you do this to me and when are you writing more?" *mwah* ( Our Little Secret ) |
| Title: Goose and Gander. Artist: didodikaliMedia: pencil. Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Vincent Crabbe. Rating: R? Warnings: Unconventional beauty, not just for the birds. Themes/kinks chosen: Breasts. ( Goose and Gander. ) |
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