Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
28th August 2014 06:48 - FIC: Part of the Deal (Charlie/Astoria, NC-17)
Title: Part of the Deal
Author: [info]tamlane
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Astoria (background Draco/Astoria)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: coprolalia (dirty talk), salirophilia (sullying a partner)
Other Warnings: Infidelity. Public under-the-table shenanigans. A tiny bit of blood. UST with an emphasis on the U.
Word Count: 3,500
Summary/Description: It's Astoria's hen party, and Charlie's willing to play her game... for a price.
Author's Notes: There's no sex in this fic per se (sorry!), but I think Charlie's dirty mouth and wandering hands warrant an explicit rating. ;)

Part of the Deal )
28th January 2014 08:35 - FIC: It Takes Three (Draco/Teddy/Harry)
Title: It Takes Three
Author: [info]sdk
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Teddy/Harry, Draco/Harry, Harry/Teddy (established Draco/Teddy)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Everything Old is New: Jealousy, UST (Draco/Harry), Group Sex, Orgasms
Other Warnings: Dirty Talk, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Threesome, Intoxication (alcohol)
Word Count: ~2500 words
Summary/Description: Draco's never one to miss an opportunity, especially when they come twice in one night.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to and takes place roughly an hour or so after In Three, and will probably make more sense if you've read that first. For [info]torino10154 as a late Christmas present. (We'll pretend I didn't promise you this for your bday last year...) Thanks so much to [info]train_tracks for the beta! <3

It Takes Three )
17th January 2014 10:43 - Fic: "How to Resist Shagging Teddy Lupin" (Harry/Teddy; NC-17)
Title: How to Resist Shagging Teddy Lupin
Author: [info]train_tracks
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Teddy (they wish)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Unresolved Sexual Tension
Other Warnings: cross-gen, shades of incestuous feelings, various sexual fantasies (oral, anal, size kink, Topping and bottoming)
Word Count: 2,370
Summary/Description: Harry gives a tutorial on how to resist shagging Teddy Lupin, even when you want him so bad it hurts.
Author's Notes: I wrote this in second person, inspired by the short stories of Lorrie Moore. Beta thanks goes to the wonderful [info]birdsofshore!

p.s. Mods, I didn't see the theme tag for 'unresolved sexual tension'; would you mind adding it for me? Thank you!

How to Resist Shagging Teddy Lupin )
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