Title: Terms of Endearment
Author: AmoretteHD / @heyitsamorette
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17 / Explicit
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Spanking and praise (May 2018)
Other Warnings/Content: dirty talk, slut shaming, bottom!Harry
Word Count: 4,500
Summary/Description: Harry doesn’t realize how much he enjoys Malfoy’s affection and adoration, until he gets it.
Author's Notes: Writcraft, I wanted to write you something positively filthy, so this is for you! Thank you to the mods for inviting me to the com, it has been really fun so far. One million thank you’s to Palendrome/Nerdherderette for betaing on short notice and making this legible.
( Terms of Endearment )