Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
20th July 2017 08:39 - Fic: Hold It (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
Title: Hold it
Author: [info]ravenclawsquill
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Omorashi (bladder desperation kink)
Other Warnings/Content: Dom/sub relationship (dom!Draco, sub!Harry), anal fingering, accidental wetting, semi-deliberate wetting
Word Count: 1,685
Draco quickly tries to suppress his thoughts: it’s too filthy, too taboo. Everything they’ve done – public sex, role play, even their recent success explorations into the world of BDSM – all of it pales in comparison to this.
Author's Notes:
This is far and away the kinkiest thing I’ve ever written, but where better to go to town on kink than here? I should say that despite the omorashi theme, this fic is far more focused on the dom/sub relationship than traditional “watersports”. Thank you ever so much to my beta, [info]ruinsplume, for the thorough review and excellent suggestions.

Hold it )
21st May 2017 16:15 - Fic: It's not what you think (Scorpius / Albus Severus, NC-17)
Title: It’s not what you think
Author: [info]ravenclawsquill
Characters/Pairings: Scorpius Malfoy / Albus Severus Potter
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Intercrural sex
Other Warnings/Content: Inexperience, established relationship, oblivious!Scorpius, first time, wanking, handjobs, ludicrous amount of lube, a tiny hint of dom/sub (blink and you’ll miss it), first person narrative
Word Count: ~1,850
Summary: The boys are ready to take the next step.
Author's Notes: I'm thrilled to jump on board with my first official DD entry! \o/ Thank you so much to my lovely beta, [info]bixgirl1, for giving this fic a polish within a mortifyingly tight time frame.

It’s not what you think )
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