Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
21st March 2014 10:41 - Fic: Egg Hunt
Title: Egg Hunt
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Birthday celebration!
Other Warnings: bottoms, sex toys
Word Count: 1,904
Summary/Description: Marcus didn't realize Percy was dragging him to the Ministry Egg Hunt. He might have done things a wee bit differently if he had.
Author's Notes: [info]tamlane requested a sequel to So Sane It's Driving Me Crazy, perhaps around Easter, and Marcus's POV, so here is something set a full year after that first Christmas. How could I resist Marcus?

Egg Hunt )
30th August 2013 05:18 - FIC: LEARNING TO SEE (Charlie, Kettleburn, Flint/Higgs) NC-17
Title: Learning To See
Author: smallbrownfrog
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley centric (also Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, MarcusFlint/Terence Higgs, and Donaghan Tremlett -- future Weird Sister)
Rating: Mostly PG-13 with some NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: mysophilia: arousal from soiled or dirty objects or places
Other Content: voyeurism, frottage, asexuality, homosexuality, heterosexual flirting, 16 year olds being sexual
Word Count: 4,026
Summary/Description: Even as a grown man Charlie never thought of it as spying. It was simply learning to see and to see clearly.
Author's Notes: This fic began with inspiration from the Weasley meme hosted by writcraft. It started out as a very different story, but Charlie Weasley has a mind of his own. I hope you enjoy spending time in it.

Learning To See )
7th December 2012 22:00 - Kinky Kristmas Fic: So Sane It's Driving Me Crazy (Percy/Marcus)
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]islandsmoke
From: [info]tryslora

Title: So Sane It’s Driving Me Crazy
Characters/Pairings: Percy Weasley/Marcus Flint
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: mild bondage, playing with ribbons, playing with lights, first times (together and in general), dirty talk, Christmas decorations
Other Warnings/Content: mild angst, awkwardness, growliness, sappiness, smoochies, happy endings
Word Count: ~8500
Summary/Description: Percy is alone for the first time on Christmas Eve, and bumps into someone completely unexpected, resulting in a strange night, and a magical morning.
Author's Notes: The title for this song is from Barenaked Ladies’ “Falling for the First Time,” which is a song I’ve long associated with Percy. I know this likely isn’t an expected pairing, and I do hope you enjoy this, dear requester. I wanted to give you something spicy hot, and fluffy, and awkward and sweet and a bit silly all at once with someone who can shake Percy out of his blues at being estranged from his family. I had a great time writing this (and it grew longer than I’d originally planned), and I hope you enjoy it.

So Sane It’s Driving Me Crazy )
6th July 2011 23:30 - Art: Solstice
Title: Solstice.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Ginny, Marcus.
Rating: NC-17.

Solstice. )
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