Title: "Snot On"
Author: pre_raphaelite1Rating: NC-17 (So very, very wrong)
Pairing: Hagrid/Fang
Warnings: rimming, bestiality, crack, Hagrid's crack, Severe Squickiness
Themes/Kinks Chosen: Fur, Fainting, Mucophagy
(Someone had to do it.)Word Count: 1330
Summary: It wasn't Flitwick who came to him one Tuesday morning when everything was quiet but for the sounds of very wet and snotty grief echoing against the Castle walls and carried over the still lake.Author's Notes: I blame this first of all on everyone who did NOT write mucophagy this month. Secondly on zevazo who suggested the pairing after I saw that Padfoot was getting lots of action this month. And finally on red_squared who was able to guess what I was writing by my assertions I was squicking myself- and who also gave me the title. And finally, I blame all insanity and mistakes on LMoM.( Snot On )Feedback will be...uh... licked?