| Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: roozetterFrom: kinky_kneazleTitle: You Still Smell Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black/Severus Snape Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: Wall sex, hate sex, insults. Other Warnings/Content: Biting. Word Count: 2,000 Summary/Description: It was all so familiar, muttered taunts and cutting wit until the tension building between them just had to snap. How had he come to a place where Severus Snape knew all the spots to touch to make him shiver? Author's Notes: Many thanks to L for the super-quick beta and to the r_grayjoy and ragdoll for being so understanding when real life hit with a vengeance. Dear Mystery Deviant, I do hope you enjoy this. ( You Still Smell ) |
| Title: Fringe Benefits Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Draco/Gabrielle/Percy Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Essayeurs Other Warnings: Double Penetration Word Count: 2,863 Summary/Description: Madame paid well for the privilege of having the Malfoy heir as a client in her brothel, but Draco's job was not usually so enjoyable. Author's Notes: I'm sneaking this in just on time, and (I’m sorry) didn't have time to get it beta'd. Percy was being too shy to get going. Please let me know if I've missed something! ( Fringe Benefits ) |
| Title: Harry and the Minister Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Harry/Kingsley Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternate pairing, agrexophilia Other Warnings: N/A Word Count: 1,232 Summary/Description:Author's Notes: This is a little gift for saintgilbert for – oh, so many things. Much love to the wonderful mods for gifting me with a posting day this month, and more love to curiouslyfic for the beta and very helpful advice. This has been changed since Curi looked at it, and any errors that remain are mine. ( Harry and the Minister ) |
| Title: Forty-Flavour Kisses Author: kinky_kneazleRequired Character and Prompt: Filius Flitwick and ice cream Characters/Pairings: Harry/Neville, George/Pansy, Snape/Lupin Rating: NC-17 Content/Warnings: Let's see... D/s, rimming, collaring, anal sex, fingering, wall!sex, food!porn, fellatio Word Count: 4,200 Summary/Description: Fortescue's newest product is ice cream flavoured lip balm, and it's just irresistible. Author's Notes: The title comes from a line from the Monkees' song "Last Train to Clarksville" and did, in fact, give me the spark of inspiration for this fic. With love to uniquepov and curiouslyfic for giving me pairings and kinks to work with: this fic is for them. And even more love to curiouslyfic for the extra quick beta work. ( Forty-Flavour Kisses ) - Tags:
*dd's birthday, *fic, 2012-03, author: kinky_kneazle, character: george, character: harry, character: neville, character: pansy, character: remus, character: severus, content: anal, content: d/s, content: fingering, content: frottage, content: rimming
| Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: entrenous88From: kinky_kneazleTitle: The Stray Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Ron Weasley Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: Public Spanking, D/s, Blow-jobs, Collaring Other Warnings/Content: N/A Word Count: 4,900 Summary/Description: The mystery wizard was like a stray pup - young, naïve, and clearly in need of training. Severus decided to take him in hand. Author's Notes: Merry Kinky Kristmas, Mystery Prompter! Thank you so much for the awesome prompt - I fell in love as soon as I saw it! Love and kisses to my beautiful beta L, for always making it better, and FC for handholding and encouragement. ( The Stray ) |
| Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: elfflameFrom: kinky_kneazleTitle: How to Stop Sibling Rivalry Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin/James Potter/Albus Severus Potter Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: Directed play Other Warnings/Content: Incest, rimming, annoying older brothers. Word Count: 3,500 Summary/Description: Teddy hates being the newest toy for the Potter boys to fight over, so he decides to make them see each other in a new light. Author's Notes: Dear Deviant, Merry Kinky Kristmas! Teddy couldn't quite pull off being Dominant, but he still told the Potter boys what to do, and I hope you still enjoy this piece. With love to K for the advice and handholding, and U for beta-ing, encouragement, and finding the right words! ( How to Stop Sibling Rivalry ) |
| Title: His Little Girl's Tears Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Hermione, background Severus/Hermione/Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Tears, bathing Other Warnings: Ageplay, Daddy/little girl dynamic Word Count: 2,000 Summary/Description: Sometimes Hermione needs looking after. Author's Notes: Much love to uniquepov for the beta. This is set in the same universe as last month's foursome, and is dedicated to deirdre_aithne who challenged me to write ageplay for her, on the occasion of her birthday. I hope you enjoy it ♥ ( His Little Girl's Tears ) |
| Title: Rewarding Bad Behaviour Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Hermione/Draco/Harry Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Begging, nipple play, pervertibles Other Warnings: D/s, polyamory, rimming, frottage, bondage, spanking, a Daddy/little girl relationship that's not gone into more than the use of the word. Word Count: 3,200 Summary/Description: Severus knows it's important to punish bad behaviour before it gets out of hand. Author's Notes: This grouping was chosen by kitty_fic on the occasion of her birthday. It was a lot harder to write a foursome than I thought it would be! With love to uniquepov and kitty_fic for the beta (yes, she beta'd her own present – I was wibbling!) ( Rewarding Bad Behaviour ) - Tags:
2011-09, author: kinky_kneazle, character: draco, character: harry, character: hermione, character: severus, content: bondage, content: d/s, content: dominance, content: frottage, content: group sex, content: rimming, content: spanking, content: submission, theme: begging, theme: nipple play, theme: pervertibles
| Title: Please Don't Tell Our Fathers Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Neville/Scorpius/Albus Severus Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Authority Figure Roleplay Other Warnings: Threesome, age difference, rimming Word Count: 1,730 Summary/Description: Al and Scorpius will do anything to convince Auror Longbottom not to tell their fathers about the prank. Author's Notes: This was written on the occasion of uniquepov's birthday. It is a little late due to my forgetting that Tuesday was the 23rd, but I still hope she enjoys it! Thanks to the lovely mods for giving me a later posting day, and to phoenixacid for betaing for me so that I wouldn't have to bug uniquepov to beta her own present. ( Neville stared at the two young men sitting naked in front of him. ) - Tags:
*fic, *kinky kristmas 2011, 2011-08, author: kinky_kneazle, character: albus severus, character: neville, character: scorpius, content: cross-gen, content: rimming, content: threesome, theme: authority figure roleplay
| Title: Correspondence Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Hermione Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Erotographomania, sensory deprivation Other Warnings: Bondage, caning, fisting, masturbation, fantasies, epistolary fic. Word Count: ~2,300 Summary/Description: Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; for, thus friends absent speak. - John Donne Author's Notes: For redcandle17, whose ideas inspired more than one story from me. With thanks to deirdre_aithne for the early read through. Thanks to M for the beta. ( Correspondence ) - Tags:
*fic, 2011-07, author: kinky_kneazle, character: hermione, character: severus, content: blindfolding, content: caning, content: d/s, content: fisting, content: masturbation, theme: erotographomania, theme: sensory deprivation
| Title: To Break a Curse Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Seamus/Bill Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternative Pairing, Exhibitionism Other Warnings: Light bondage Word Count: ~1100 Summary/Description: Sometimes breaking curses requires something unexpected. Author's Notes: Much love to the mods for giving me a new day to post this after something unexpected came up on my original day. And to the lovely help_japan auction winner, I hope you like this take on Bill and Seamus. And, as always, to my beta F. Any remaining errors are mine. ( To Break a Curse ) |
| Title: A Thief in the Night Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Lucius/? Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Harpaxophilia Other Warnings: Bondage Word Count: ~1500 Summary/Description: The Snitch is the most notorious thief in the Wizarding World, breaking into the homes of the oldest families and taking anything that takes his fancy. Lucius is determined to do what the Aurors can't: catch him. Author's Notes: Love to F for the beta. ( A Thief in the Night ) |
| I know this is late and I'm really sorry! I had IJ problems this morning and then had to go out and I'm only just getting home. Again, I'm really sorry, mods! Title: Harry Pornstar and the Philosopher's Boner Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Harry/Oliver, also mentions of Dumbledore/Hagrid/McGonagall, Harry/Hagrid, Hermione/Harry/Ron/Mountain Troll, Snape/Quirrell, Harry/Ron/Neville/Seamus/Dean Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Bad Porn Month! Other Warnings: Crack and really bad innuendo. Disclaimer: Although the characters in the movie were underage, in this porn-ish remake the actors are all legally consenting members of the adult film industry, and quite obviously above the legal age of consent. No suggestion of chan is intended. Word Count: 1,180 Summary/Description: The Philosopher's Stone rewritten as porn – the "skip the DVD to the good parts" version. Author's Notes: A few years ago I clicked a link and discovered Edward Penishands. This was my introduction to the porn industry tradition of remaking popular movies into porn. Wil Wheaton's news that there's a Star Trek: TNG XXX Parody coming out made me wonder what would happen if someone did a Harry Potter remake. I couldn't write all the porn scenes that there would be, but there's a hint of many, and my favourite in detail. Love to F for the super-quick beta. Some lines have been taken verbatim from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone/ ( Harry Pornstar and the Philosopher's Boner ) |
| Title: Every Flavor Heroes Author: kinky_kneazleBased On/Inspired By: The hilarious WWW's Dream Dolls by serpenscriptCharacters/Pairings: Draco/Android!Harry, Hermione/Android!Remus, George/Android!Snape Rating: NC-17 Content/Warnings: Rimming, Androids, dildos, very vague suggestions of bestiality (i.e animal-shaped dildos), fantasy, sex toys Word Count: 2,500 Summary/Description: They're mix and match, guaranteed to be ready when you are and come with a free patented Daydream Charm. For any flavor of hero you like, try Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes' Dream Dolls. Author's Notes: I laughed very loudly when I first saw this image and couldn't get it out of my head. serpenscript, this doesn't do justice to your image, but it was the only way I could pay homage. With love to my beta F, and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to daily_deviant and all her deviant followers! ( One Harry Potter head, with lightning scar. One body, size 'lean'. ) - Tags:
*dd's birthday, *fic, 2011-03, author: kinky_kneazle, character: draco, character: george, character: harry, character: hermione, character: remus, character: severus, content: anal, content: bestiality, content: fantasy, content: sex toys
| Title: Wands at the Ready! : Sex in Modern Wizarding BritainAuthor: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Hermione/Draco/Blaise, Hermione/Remus, Hermione/Madam Rosmerta, Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa (implied) Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Sexology Other Warnings: Analingus, Masturbatio, Double Penetration, roleplaying, spanking Word Count: 1300 Summary/Description: Hermione takes her research very seriously Author's Notes: Loosely inspired by Tricia from Mallrats. Hermione does get screwed in an uncomfortable place that isn't the back of a Volkswagen, but she enjoys it! With love to my beta for the quick read through. When I saw the theme, I knew it had to be Hermione. ( Subjects 12 and 13 ) - Tags:
*fic, 2011-02, author: kinky_kneazle, character: blaise, character: draco, character: hermione, character: remus, character: rosmerta, content: anal, content: cunnilingus, content: double penetration, content: fingering, content: lesbians, content: masturbation, content: oral sex, content: role-playing, content: spanking, content: threesome, theme: sexology
| Title: Big Hands Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Hermione/Hagrid Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Phallophilia, pyrophilia Other Warnings: Masturbation, Teacher/Student relations Word Count: 1300 words Summary/Description: Hermione tells herself that it's research, but really she's looking for something. When she sees Hagrid naked by the lake she thinks that maybe she's found it. Author's Notes: It's my sweetheart and erstwhile beta's birthday today, so I told him he could choose the theme and characters for this month's DD. Which is, I guess, my way of saying it's not my fault!!! Happy Birthday F, and thanks for doing the beta even though it was your present. ( Big Hands ) |
| Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: woldyFrom: kinky_kneazle Title: The Lost Boy Characters/Pairings: Neville/Ginny/Luna Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Included: Threesomes, first times, cunnilingus, Other Warnings/Content:Word Count: 2,400 Summary/Description: When the war is over Neville feels lost and all he wants to do is forget. Luna thinks she can help with that. Author's Notes: With thanks to my beta F for the very quick turn-around, and to the mods for a little extra time. As soon as I saw this prompt, this story came to mind. It's about being healed. I hope you enjoy it, mystery Giftee. ( Neville hadn’t wanted to go back to Hogwarts. ) |
| Title: Feel Again Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Hermione/Millicent Rating: Possibly on an R Kinks/Themes Chosen: Harems Other Warnings: Non-con and torture happening off-screen, but the effects are seen. Word Count: 1000 Summary/Description: In the Harem Hermione finds herself leaning on a very unexpected person for support. Author's Notes: Not what I intended to write this month but it’s what came out. Thanks to my darling for the super-quick beta. ( Hermione woke not knowing where she was. ) |
| Title: Sacrifice Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Snape/Luna Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Sacrifice Other Warnings: Chan (Luna is sixteen). Could be construed as dubious-consent as it’s not a decision that Luna would have made in normal circumstances. Word Count: 1100 Summary/Description: Severus isn’t happy about taking the girl’s virginity, but it’s better than what the Dark Lord has planned for her. Author's Notes: This was rushed, as I was sure this month was analingus and had written most of that story before I decided to double-check. I’m not completely happy with it, but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to F for the beta. ( Isn’t that a little barbaric, Lucius? ) |
| Title: Being Obeyed Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Bill/Tonks/Charlie Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Please Your Mod Other Warnings: BDSM, incest, femdom, spanking, cunnilingus Word Count: 1,400 Summary/Description: Bill and Tonks have never quite managed to get it together, until he finds someone willing to take on the role neither of them want. Author's Notes: Thanks to F for the beta. I’m not sure which mod I’m writing for here, but I hope you enjoy this, and thanks to all the mods for the wonderful work they do with this community, and especially for letting me post a little later after the internet died on me last night. ( Tonks followed the instructions in Bill’s note carefully. ) - Tags:
2010-09, author: kinky_kneazle, character: bill, character: charlie, character: tonks, content: bdsm, content: bondage, content: d/s, content: dominance, content: incest, content: oral sex, content: spanking, content: submission, content: threesome, theme: please your mod
| Title: Taking Precautions Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Arthur/Molly Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Celibacy. Other Warnings: None - very tame. Word Count: 1420 Summary/Description: Arthur thinks two children is enough, so there's no sex in the Weasley household. Author's Notes: A little late in Australia, but on time in the rest of the world, I think. ( So no sex, okay? ) |
| Title: What it Feels Like For a Girl Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Fred/Hermione Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Cunnilingus Other Warnings: Gender bending, cock rings. Word Count: 1300 Summary/Description: Fred steals a cock ring from his brother without finding out what it does first. Author's Notes: I completely missed last month and only realised when I started writing for this month. So, I have combined the prompts for last month and this month in an attempt to make up for it. I know it's the 24th here in Australia, but it's only the 23rd in the states, so I'm hoping I can sneak this in. ( Hermione looked dubiously a the silver ring her husband held between his fingers. ) |
| Title: Power of Pleasure Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Padma (also Parvati and OFC, but mainly a solo Padma story) Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: Menstrual Taboo Other Warnings: Masturbation, hints of voyeurism/exhibitionism, masturbating in the same room as your identical twin Word Count: 1,750 Summary/Description: When Padma is sent to India for her own safety during the war, she learns some traditions that her family had lost in England. Author's Notes: This isn't quite what I expected when I started writing, nor is it as dirty, but I think I'm happy with it. Thanks to my sweetheart for the ultra-quick beta. ( You see girls, men believe that our blood drains them of magic. ) |
| Title: Empty Author: kinky_kneazleCharacters/Pairings: Xenophilius Lovegood/Olympe Maxime Rating: NC-17 Kinks/Themes Chosen: xenophilia: a sexual attraction to the exotic, strangers, or the unknown Other Warnings: Fisting and frottage Word Count: 1,000 words Summary/Description: Xenophilius keeps looking for something different in the hope that it will fill the emptiness inside. Author's Notes: I never thought I'd write fisting, yet here it is. I blame daily_deviant completely. With thanks to my sweetheart for the super quick beta and to the lovely mods for allowing me to post this late after my panic attack and a complete rewrite. ( Before Xenophilius met his wife it never bothered him that he was an outsider. ) |
| Title: The Practice of Slavery Author: kinky_kneazleBased On/Inspired By: Beg to Serve by _odella_Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Lucius/Narcissa Rating: NC-17 Content/Warnings: BDSM, slavery, cunnilingus, threesome, fellatio, femdom Word Count: 1,200 Summary/Description: Despite Hermione's fight against the reintroduction of slavery, she finds herself owning the most unlikely pair and needs to find something for them to do. Lucius has a suggestion. Author's Notes: This was meant to have more plot. A lot more plot. But I couldn't get the plot and the sex to flow easily. So in the interest of good storytelling I got rid of the plot and kept the sex. With love to my love, Frank, for the very last minute beta he did for me. I took this month's challenge as an opportunity to look through heaps of art, and this piece spoke to me, especially the idea of Hermione, founder of SPEW finding herself with slaves. I knew I had to write the story. _odella_, I don't think I've done your beautiful artwork justice, but I hope you enjoy it. Happy Birthday Daily Deviant!!! ( The Practice of Slavery ) - Tags:
*dd's birthday, *fic, 2010-03, author: kinky_kneazle, character: hermione, character: lucius, character: narcissa, content: bdsm, content: blowjobs, content: cunnilingus, content: d/s, content: dominance, content: oral sex, content: submission, content: threesome
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