Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
29th July 2015 10:23 - Fic: Begeren (Draco/Theodore, NC17)
Title: Begeren
Author: [info]nightfalltwen
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Theodore; Draco/OFC (briefly)
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: bordellos, virgins
Other Warnings: slight drug use (wizarding absinthe)
Word Count: ~2300
Summary/Description: Theodore brings Draco to a brothel in Amsterdam for the purpose of losing his virginity before seventh year.
Author's Notes: I do believe that this would be my first foray into slash smut. But I am trying to push my boundaries and I hope that this does just that and I hope that I have done the pairing justice. Special thank you to [info]cryptaknight and also to the mods for letting me delay my posting. The title was a google search for the Dutch word for desire/want/crave. I don't speak Dutch, so forgive me if I'm wrong.

Begeren )
23rd July 2015 22:56 - Fic: ~Snape Victorious~ - (Severus/Sirius, NC-17)
Title: ~Snape Victorious~
Author: islandsmoke
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Necrophilia
Other Warnings: Hate sex, defiling a body
Word Count: 1026
Summary/Description: Snape finally defeats Sirius Black once and for all - with a little help from death.
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]hogwartshoney for a quick beta, and to the Mods for letting me post off-month.

If you dare…. )
21st July 2015 08:26 - Memories in Magic
Title: Memories in Magic
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry (background Harry/Ginny)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: anal sex, virgins
Other Warnings: infidelity, memories, fantasy, rimming, ambiguous ending
Word Count: 3,342 words
Summary/Description: Harry rarely gets the chance for privacy, and when he does, some memories are easier than others to relive.
Author's Notes: So, a while back eidheann asked for this story (well, she asked for the bittersweet story of Harry’s holographic magical room and his fantasies of Draco). So this is not only my fic for July’s themes of anal sex and virgins, but also a birthday gift for her. <3 to eidheann for keeping me on track for years now.

Memories in Magic )
17th July 2015 09:31 - Fic: "Slip Into My Lover's Hands", (Harry/Draco; NC-17)
Title: Slip Into My Lover's Hands
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: anal sex, virgins
Other Warnings: contains lots of prep/fingering, blow job, bottom!Draco, sex in the Prefects' bath
Word Count: ~6,000
Summary: Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn't think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. "One finger?"
Author's Notes: In addition to being my July DD, this is also a fill for [info]snowgall's generous donation to Nepal Earthquake Relief at [info]fandomaid. She asked for "Preparation. …a nice, thorough, careful-because-we're-new-to-this anal fingering scene :)" Also first or second time (this is the first), and school-aged or just after (this is 8th year). Her prompt really fit this month's DD, so poof! It went long, though! Let's just say this is a LOT of fingering! Thanks so much to [info]sdk for the stellar beta! <3 Title from the Dave Matthews song, 'Lover Lay Down'.

Slip Into My Lover's Hands )
17th July 2015 01:13 - Art: Twice is coincidence, third time's a pattern
Title: Twice is coincidence, third time's a pattern.
Artist: ahundredvisions
Media: Pen and ink
Characters/Pairings: Ludo Bagman/Gilderoy Lockhart
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Anal sex, bordellos, alternate pairing
Other Warnings: N/A
Artist's Notes: This was a fun one! That lucky lamp :P. Forgive the pornstache on Ludovic... It's supposed to feel dirty...

Sneak a peak )
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