Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
21st September 2016 11:14 - Fic: As Long As You Come Home To Me
Title: As Long As You Come Home To Me
Author: [info]tryslora
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Teddy, Draco/Teddy/Victoire
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: facials, formal wear, alternate pairing (Draco/Teddy)
Other Warnings/Content: adultery, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cousincest, implied werewolf-heritage!Teddy
Word Count: ~3k
Summary/Description: Teddy just pledged himself to Victoire, but when Draco wants just one more time together, Teddy can’t resist.
Author's Notes: I’m back! Thank you to the mods for the vacation; I needed to get some other things done and off my plate so I could get back here. I couldn’t resist the Draco/Teddy pairing, and oh, the story just wrote itself with those kinks/themes.

As Long As You Come Home To Me )
19th September 2016 01:36 - Fic: Dressed for Dinner (Severus Snape/Harry Potter; NC-17)
Title: Dressed for Dinner
Author: [info]writcraft
Pairings: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Formal wear: arousal from wearing or seeing others wearing formal, fancy, or fine attire and a bit of a play with the premature ejaculation theme.
Other Warnings/Content: Established Relationship, Blowjobs, First Times, Rimming, Anal Fingering
Word Count: ~3850
Summary/Description: Harry has a thing for men in tuxedos. Severus finds out.
Author's Notes: I had so many ideas and pairing options for this theme but in the end, I was in the mood for playing with my favourites. I hope you enjoy!

Dressed for Dinner )
17th September 2016 09:49 - Fic: "When evening quickens faintly in the street", (Harry/Teddy/Draco; NC-17)
Title: When evening quickens faintly in the street
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairings: Harry/Teddy/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) Chrematistophilia: being aroused by paying for sex
2) Facials: ejaculating on one's partner's face
3) Formal wear: arousal from wearing or seeing others wearing formal, fancy, or fine attire
4) Premature ejaculation
- Alternate pairing: Draco Malfoy/Teddy Lupin
Other Warnings/Content: so many blow jobs; this is 3k of blow jobs!, age differences, godfather/godson, cousincest, established relationship, polyamory, role-playing
Word Count: ~3,700
Summary/Description: Draco, Teddy, and Harry decide to role-play paying Teddy for sex in a back alley. Or: It's Saturday.
Author's Notes: Blackout Bingo, baby!!! \o/ All the themes this month, including the alternate pairing! First time doing that. :-D How could I not this month, omg?! It was practically tailor-made to my interests. *deviant chortle* Title taken randomly from Eliot's poem, 'The Boston Evening Transcript'. I opened a book of poetry, pointed at that line, and it kinda works. O_o

When evening quickens faintly in the street )
9th September 2016 07:48 - FIC: Straight into Desire (Draco/Teddy, NC-17)
Title: Straight into Desire
Author: [info]gracerene
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alternate Pairing, Facials, Formal Wear
Other Warnings/Content: office!sex, blow-jobs, some face-fucking, facials
Word Count: ~2,400
Summary/Description: Draco knows the constant Auror protection for the past month has been for his own good, but it's been hell on his sex life. It doesn't help matters that one of the Aurors is a very attractive, very flirtatious Teddy, who seems hell-bent on overriding all of Draco's good sense.
Author's Notes: I have been wanting to write this pairing for a while, but I haven't yet had the opportunity. Imagine my pleasure when I realized it was this month's alternate pairing! Thanks so much to [info]capitu and [info]_melodic_ for looking this over for me! <3

Straight into Desire )
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