Title: Take What You Need (Leave Me the Rest)
lq_traintracksPairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) baths, 3) odontophilia: arousal from things related to teeth; this may range from seeing nice teeth, licking a partner's teeth, or leaving bite indentations, 4) rope bondage
Other Warnings/Content: vampirism (and the blood play inherent with that), first person Draco POV (vampire!Draco, y’all!), kink negotiation, anal sex, cock bondage, orgasm delay, a little bit of switching but mostly top!Draco
Word Count: ~4,000
Summary/Description: "Go home, Potter. You wouldn't." Before I know it, his hand has slipped inside my jacket. It finds my waist, and he steps in close. His scent overwhelms me, tanned skin salt-stung and
right there. I feel his breath on my jaw when he murmurs, "Would
Author's Notes: I can't believe I've never written vampires for HP fandom! It's high time I rectified that, I'd say. I got the bright idea to check DD for April prompts two days ago, and this was like a light bulb turning on over my head, and I wrote it that day. It's unbeta'd so do let me know if you see any wonky mistakes. Hope you enjoy!
( Take What You Need (Leave Me the Rest) )