Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
18th September 2006 08:39 - Art: Light and Dark, Bellatrix/Narcissa, NC-17
Original post at daily_deviant at LJ here.

Title: Light and Dark
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Media: Tablet on Photoshop.
Characters: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Warnings: Incest.
Kinks chosen: Leather, lingerie.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made.
Artist's notes: For [info]daily_deviant's September kink challenge. This is so horribly fanon cliché but I had fun drawing it. :P Sorry it's several hours late.

Art preview:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Light and Dark )
31st August 2007 21:50 - The red queen
Originally posted 10th September, 2006

Title: The red queen
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters: Pansy/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, some spanking, fetishised clothing
Kinks chosen: Leather, Rubber
Word Count: 1786
Summary: A red rubber dress and a pair of black leather trousers. Add two women and a hot cocktail is in the making.
Author's notes: Unbeta'ed because I fail at life. Also my apologies for sucking so much at summaries. I promise I'll come up with a better one when I'm awake.

The red queen prevails )
30th August 2007 20:30 - Fic: Shagged Out (Fred/Harry/George)
Originally posted September 14, 2006.

Title: Shagged Out
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Fred/Harry/George
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slight dc, and very sloppy sex.
Kinks chosen: Lubrication, leather (or dragon hide, actually).
Word Count: 3000
Summary: The Weasley twins decide that 'shagged out' is a good look for Harry.
Author's notes: This story has no redeeming social value and exists merely as a vehicle for a hot 'n' squishy sex scene. But I think that's allowed here. ;) Thanks to [info]ragdoll for the candy panties.

Shagged Out )
30th August 2007 19:10 - Fic: Nice Day for a White Wedding (Sirius/Lily, NC-17)
Originally posted at DD-LJ, 4 September 2006

Title: Nice Day for a White Wedding
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Sirius/Lily (with some femslash undertones, owing to Sirius's filthy lesbian fantasies)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Infidelity. See pairing, title, and summary. ;)
Theme chosen: Lingerie
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not even my title. I can only claim the lingerie, and the porn.
Word Count: ~5,200
Summary: On a stealth mission to retrieve the groom's cuff links from the bride's dressing room, the best man finds something he was not expecting.
Notes: This story now has art!! [info]ericahpfa has drawn a wonderful smooching scene here (NWS). Thank you, Erica! (f-locked at Erica's journal, alas)...

Nice Day for a White Wedding )
29th August 2007 20:43 - Fic: The Hiding Room - Remus/Regulus - NC-17
Title: The Hiding Room
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Remus/Regulus
Rating: Hard R?
Kinks chosen: Lingerie
Word Count: 2043
Summary: Remus finds something unexpected one night when he goes to hide from the world in the Room of Requirement.
Author's notes: Today’s my birthday, so I decided that I’d write a ship that’s been close to my heart of late. It didn’t turn out as sweet as I’d hoped, but here it is. I hope people like it. Inspired by [info]littlecup, whom I adore very much, and betad by [info]littlecup and [info]xanateria. Thank you both so much.
Also, I meant to get this up just a tad earlier, but between a certain surprise and my net freaking out on me, I've been a bit distracted.  It's up now, though.  I hope you all enjoy. :D

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. - Frank Herbert )
29th September 2006 10:47 - FIC: Defenceless [Lucius/Severus; NC-17]
Title: Defenceless
Author: [info]ldybastet
Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fetish
Kinks chosen: Leather
Word Count: 1200
Summary: Lucius makes his move when Severus is defenceless.

Defenceless )
20th September 2006 14:03 - Satin and Lace, NC-17
Title: Satin and Lace
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Pairing/Rating: Harry/Draco, NC-17
Warnings: See kinks. Cross-dressing, slash, non-sexual bondage, voyeurism bordering on stalking
Kinks: All of ‘em, baby! Even the pairing, though it’s a brief mention, lol. So, that’s lingerie, leather, latex, lubrication and Harry/Umbridge (again, brief).
Word Count: 4065
Disclaimer:Not mine, not making money.
Beta: Thanks to [info]knightmare_shad for the quick beta. There was a bit added after the beta; any errors are mine alone.
A/N: There are imbedded links in here to the different lingerie sets, as a few of my pre-readers weren't familiar with terms used to describe the lingerie.

Satin and Lace )
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