The Last Station

July 2014


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May 19th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 9

Who: Open
What: Foxglove vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Gladrags @ 2pm
When: Sunday (Backdated)
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 9 )



[No Subject]

R.I.P. Anne Boleyn, Queen of Muggle England.

Tonight's a special Monday performance of the play in honour of Anne's 470th death day. We're following the performance with a fancy dress (era-appropriate) party in the thearte's reception area with cocktails and a few monologues by the cast. It should be brilliant, though it'll be a very long day.

Other than the play which has kept me quite busy, the business is doing quite well, we've a few more events lined up, a wedding in a few weeks as well, which is rather exciting and a bit different to the usual parties. We're not handling the party planning itself, of course but it isn't always we're involved in weddings.


The owl made it back to where it belonged. Just. In case anyone wondered. I kind of liked having the little guy around, though. There's a pet shop here, right? Do they have owls?

Private to Blaise
I'm off the next two nights. I really don't -- you said not the Hog's Head, right?

(Added Later)
I just made plans for tonight. So. Tomorrow then?

Private to Hannah
Um. So what do people do in the village anyway?


Who: Roger and Merrill

What: Some news

When: Monday evening

Where: Roger and Merrill's flat

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

Merrill hadn't had the easiest of weeks, and Roger was worried sick. He was covering it up with a brave face, but he knew Merrill knew too. That evening, he had made a special trip to Inverness, young Violet in tow, to pick up Merrill's favorite flavor of ice cream while the roast baked in the oven and Merrill looked after it. Father and daughter returned just in time to meet an unfamiliar owl as it came in and deposited a thick, formal-looking envelope in Roger's hand.

"Looks like we've got mail," Roger said, juggling between Violet, the ice cream, and the envelope. "Mer, is the roast done yet?"



log: mal and hannah go to the theatre

Who: Mal and Hannah
What: Post-show chocolate cake?
When: Monday evening
Where: London
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

After the show, Hannah waited until the cast took its last bow before she began leading Mal out of the theatre. The play had been lovely and it was nice to have a night away from Hogsmeade. Sometimes she felt she lived under a rock... or a sauce pan. Rocks had no place in the kitchen, after all. Perhaps it was a little weird to be hanging out with Mal since she saw him every other day of the week, but she was glad they were getting along so well.

Now out in the open air, Hannah let out a sigh of contentment. "Were you serious about that chocolate cake or should we call it a night? Or if you've somewhere else to be..." She trailed off, not really sure what Mal got up to on his own time.