The Last Station

July 2014


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May 18th, 2014



Log: Caleb and Tracey

Who: Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis
When: Sunday evening, May 18
Where: Caleb's flat
What: More family drama
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


As the playoffs slowly wound down to an end, Caleb had started to put more of his attention and time towards working on his goal of making it onto the Hydras. He was a little disappointed that his talks with Angelina's agency hadn't been finalised in either direction; not knowing if they saw potential in him or not was almost worse than them just flat out deciding not to take him on. He'd taken some time off from the shop in order to train, but he wasn't sure if losing a few days' income would be worth it in the long run if he ended up not making it onto the team and getting that salary.

All in all, Caleb was a teensy bit stressed, so he was happy that Tracey had been able to spend the night that evening. And she and Batman, who was much larger than he had been just a month ago, were getting along better, too.

"How's that book coming along?" he asked innocently, glancing over at her over the top of his own read: An Introduction to the Quidditch Industry.




Who: Len and Jack
What: Serious Roommate Discussion
When: Sunday evening
Where: Jack's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Though it wasn't always that Jack and Len had dinner together, and though Len didn't always make food for the two of them, tonight she made a Cornish pasty and roasted vegetables for them both, with enough leftovers they could each take for lunch the next day. There was something on Len's mind that she'd been considering lately, though she'd worried about bringing it up so much that she never got around to doing so.

Tonight, though, would be different. Or at least, that was Len's plan.