The Last Station

July 2014


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April 22nd, 2014



Ginny and Harry Log

Who: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter

What: Coping with nightmares

When: Wednesday, early early morning

Where: Harry's flat

Rating: Low-ish

Status: Ongoing Complete!

You fuse my broken bones / Back together and then / Lift the weight of the world / From my shoulders again... )



journal: hannah

The Ministry popped in for a visit today to see how my business has been progressing. I was all frazzled and couldn't remember what folder I had my health certifications in at first. And then one of my food cost spreadsheets was misplaced. To top it off, I was understaffed because my Sous-Chef started showing signs of Dragon Pox this morning and I had to get him out of the kitchen immediately.

Needless to say, it could have gone better. And now I need a new Sous-Chef.



Owl to Marietta Edgecombe

The owl carries a honey bee cake - a light sweet with a lemon base and an almond-honeycomb drizzle. It is graced with a single fondant wasp for Wimbourne.


I'm terribly sorry about the Easter eggs. I hope you'll forgive me.





I wouldn't call the last two days stressful, exactly, but after the neverending egg hunt (I'm still finding some of them around?) and stern Ministry dudes poking their head in the business-- okay, first of all, Foxglove isn't a Flume Funds recipient? Is that even legal?-- I can say a drink is probably in order.

At least the Cats pulled up to cut the series deficit to within one game. It's not a series until you lose at home.



Journal (April 22) | Merrill

Gods, I'm knackered. Sunday's Quidditch match buggered me well and proper. I swear to Merlin I opened my journal for a reason, but I'll be fucked if I remember what it was now.



log: pansy/hermione

Who: Pansy and Hermione
What: Talking about the Shrieking Shack
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Streets of Hogsmeade / Hermione's flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

After closing down the shop for the evening, Pansy and Hermione worked quickly to put everything back in their rightful place. Much to Pansy's amusement, Hermione also put out books for the new display. Little did Hermione know, they were the set of romance novels Pansy had charmed to have mundane titles such as '100 Useful Household Charms'. So that would be interesting tomorrow. Lucky thing she had the day off.

Drawing up her wand, she set the protective spells on the door before turning to Hermione. "Let's go to yours tonight. Crookshanks misbehaves when we sleep at mine."




Whoever helped Skeeter write all that rubbish that came out in the Prophet last weekend, I'm coming for you I hope you've got a good explanation for what you've done.

Of course, the one time that the Ministry decided to do a sudden inspection of the shop, I was doing an impromptu and extremely ironic version of that Muggle song, 'Love Potion #9.'

And apparently, Ministry officials don't have much of a sense of humour.

So now I've got a warning for inappropriate use of Ministry funds.