The Last Station

July 2014


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April 21st, 2014



[No Subject]


I hope you've had a lovely holiday. Thank you to all of you who made tit out to see the show, I hope you enjoyed it, ad the after party. Loved having you. Hopefully tomorrow goes well for you as well. Thanks Salazar for 4 day Bank holiday weekends. There really aren't enough of them.



[No Subject]

Not sure what's worse, working on Easter, as I have had the pleasure to do, or on the bank holiday. People tend to get creative on holidays, and that tends to keep us quite busy. I suppose it could be worse, this holiday involves eggs and the outdoors rather than trees, candles and turkeys.

Saturday was great though, cheers mate.



journal: harry

Easter at the Weasleys yesterday was great. I'm always impressed with Teddy Lupin's ability to change his hair color. Favorite game of the day was having him match his hair to the different colored easter eggs. He's so much like Tonks--

Warded to Gryffindors
Hermione mentioned a house gathering a few weeks ago but we never set a date. How about dinner this Sunday after the pick-up matches? We can have it at mine again.

Warded to Astoria
Do you think we could switch rounds this weekend? I'll take your Saturday if you take my Sunday.



journal: marietta

The Daily Prophet--

Merlin, what an awful morning. Was nearly late to work because I tried picking up the left over Easter eggs around my building, but they kept reappearing. I couldn't figure out what kind of duplication charm was used, either, to try and reverse it. What a headache.

At least it was like the calm after the (Easter) storm at the Neep today. Chocolate bunnies are on sale now, as well.


Family holiday went well. Still a bit odd, but I really shouldn't complain.

Warded to Dan
My mother asked after you. Hope you had a good time with your dad?

Warded to Ravenclaws
I feel like we should all gather sometime soon. I've been hold up in my flat writing among other things and thus haven't seen anyone in what seems like forever. Thoughts? Suggestions? Retorts?