The Last Station

July 2014


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March 23rd, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 1

Who: Open
What: Foxglove vs Fromage @ 10am; Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 1 )




That was fun! After yesterday's invigorating polar plunge (thanks to all who plunged with me!) and this morning's Quidditch, I can safely say it's been one of the best weekends I've had here.

Warded to Fromage Fwoopers & Hannah Abbott:
Wonderful job today, lads and ladies! Brilliant synergy in the air today. I hope you all had loads of fun.

Please mark your calendars as next Saturday's team meal (highly recommended but not required) will take place at noon at Fromage, before it officially opens, for brunch! I'll be sending owls as well tomorrow afternoon with our training schedule for the week.



[No Subject]

It turns out that The Boy Who Lived is The Boy Who Could Do With A Workout, if you know what I mean. Is that a bit of a belly we see, Potter?



journal: quidditch

So glad I've been breaking my back getting up at the arse-crack of dawn just to have the fucking Fwoopers score twenty-two goals on us.

Warded to the Foxglove Flitterbies
So what's the plan to make sure this never happens again?


It's odd to be playing Quidditch for points again. It's one thing when it's you, a couple mates, a Quaffle, and arbitrary goals. Something else all together with teams and referees and all. It's good.

Warded to the Glumbumbles
I think we should have a more formal practice session this week. Preferably more than one, really. How does Wednesday evening sound?



Warded to Qualitea Quintapeds

Excellent hustle out on the pitch today, everybody. Twenty two goals and somehow we caught the Snitch? I couldn't have asked for a better team debut. We really lived up to the, er, extremely dangerous nature of the Quintaped. Good hustle.

To celebrate, I've got apple tarts and grilled red pepper sandwiches available to the team at the shop at a discount. Just stop by any time.

Hope to see a repeat performance next Sunday! The Fromage Chasers played really well today so you better not let too many goals in while you've got my shop's name on your kit, Cormac I'll resist the urge to mess with their Keeper's head at work it should be a really thrilling match!


It's a bit interesting how much some of the teams are putting into preparing for their final matches of the year even though they're still roughly two months away. Dedication, I must say.

Warded to Alicia
Could we meet sometime to assess the treatment plan for me knee? Things seem to be going better, but I just want to make sure it's all sound, medically speaking and such.

Warded to Terry
I saw your note about the Hogwarts matches and sorry I didn't get back to you. I got busy and it slipped my mind for a while. Would you like to meet sometime and we can discuss the matter?

Warded to Andrew
Miss you, even though I know you're just upstairs. If you're not busy, you should come down.


Number of things I expected would happen when I moved to Hogsmeade that actually have come to pass? 0

Number of things that have actually come to pass since I moved to Hogsmeade that leave me disappointed? 0

I've decided to take my writing in a new direction, but that's certainly not the most exciting thing going on right now...

Warded to Dan
My mother is coming to Hogsmeade again sometime in the next couple of weeks and I'm wondering if you might want to come out to dinner with us. She hasn't made plans yet, but I thought I'd ask you before she does so I know what to say when she does.




Owls to Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Theodore Nott

I've a Veela problem.




I attended the matches today, which I am told were most exciting, but I cannot believe this is a weekly happening. The passion for Quidditch is very strong in this village!

I saw some familiar faces participating, to my surprise, so that is most pleasing to me. I thought Harry flew very well, even if he did not manage to catch the Snitch. They should make it larger and easier to see. The games would end much more quickly too if they did this. And it was most interesting to see Roger as the referee. He has a good physique to show off on a broom, and it made me very sorry the Quidditch games were canceled during the Triwizard Tournament. I would have enjoyed to see that.

[Warded to Ginny]
Thank you again for keeping me company during the Quidditch matches. How bored I would've been without you to entertain me!



log: harry and ginny

Who: Harry and Ginny
What: Just hanging out, as friends who are in love with each other do~
When: Monday, March 24
Where: Three Broomsticks / Ginny's Flat
Rating: ? NSFW
Status: ongoing

It had been over a week since his talk with Ginny, and he'd been thinking a lot like he'd promised. They'd hung out a few times since then and managed to keep their hands to each other and he wished he could say it was getting easier with practice, but that would be a lie. He'd been trying to let things 'marinate' the past week, but his feelings weren't going away any time soon. However, he wasn't about to make the first move when Ginny had been so adamant that she wasn't ready to date anyone.

And so here they were, sitting across from each other at the Three Broomsticks.

Harry drained the rest of his pint and looked over at Ginny, smiling a bit. "You want another round or should we head out?"



Warded to James Cadwallader and Dan Bradley

Hullo, sirs! It is our captain Marcus Flint's birthday on Tuesday. Any chance you'd let me use the pitch after practice to coordinate a very tasteful get together so our Hydras' family can show how much we appreciate our fearless leader?

P.S. Either of you know how much a down payment on a keg of beer is? I am asking for a completely separate and less classy affair.



Log: Awkward forced conversation

Who: Serena Capper and Marietta Edgecombe
Where: Woodcroft Clinic
When: Monday, noon
What: A run-in that likely won't go well
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing


Serena wasn't sure how there could possibly be delays at a clinic that served such a small village like Hogsmeade, but there was nothing to be done for it. After speaking to the receptionist and receiving the new estimated time of her appointment, she took a seat in the waiting room and rifled through her bag for some paperwork she was meant to review before she arrived at work.

After a few minutes had elapsed, she realised that the door to the clinic had opened and that she was no longer alone. Somehow, she'd managed to not see Marietta despite the other witch's relocation to Hogsmeade and the run-ins that Cho'd had with her. While this had previously given her some sense of triumph, now all that Serena could think about was the last time they'd seen each other: her trial in the Ministry of Magic.

Panicking slightly, she stood up with the intent to reschedule her appointment for another day so she could leave. The move solely seemed to bring attention to her presence, though, and she sat back down, stunned, as they made eye contact. But instead of saying anything to indicate that she recognised her (but how could she not recognise her?) Serena pulled her paperwork out again and ducked her head, hoping this wouldn't be too excruciating.