The Last Station

July 2014


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March 22nd, 2014



journal: harry

Well. Last night was interesting. I've never caught the snitch while not actively seeking it before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I guess I'll call it practice for tomorrow's pick-up match.

Now if only I could figure out why all these owls are outside my window...

Log: A Morning (or longer?) at the Farm

Who: Ernie & Ilia
What: A tour of Ilia's farm
When: Saturday morning
Where: The farm, outside of Hogsmeade
Rating: Low?
Status: On-going

Ernie had woken way earlier than necessary, a quiet excitement not allowing him to go back to sleep. He'd used the time to read through another stack of essays and then threw on a t-shirt and jeans, heeding Ilia's instructions not to wear anything too nice. Not wanting to seem too eager, he left his flat with enough time to get to the farm about 5 minutes before he was expected, calling out when he reached the property (he assumed it was the right one). "Hello? Ilia?"


Whoever gave me the advice that, as a team captain, I should have a publicist in addition to an agent should be crucioed or something. Like I really have time to "make appearances" all over bloody Scotland.

Warded to Draco, Isabel, Adrian, Caleb & Merrill
There's some charity dinner on Thursday there's one on Tuesday, too, but thankfully Weasley commented about planning something that day so I managed to get out of that one and I'm apparently expected to bring a date. None of you know of a young woman who would be interested in attending with me and wouldn't go back and tell the Prophet she's my new shag the next day, would you? I took someone to a charity auction a couple of years ago in Italy and woke the next morning to a headline in the Quidditch section of the regional newspaper announcing our happy engagement. Dante I was so pissed off horrified.



Log: The Future?

Who: Andrew and Emma
What: Talking about their respective futures
When: Friday (backdated)
Where: Their living room
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

You can take the future )