The Last Station

July 2014


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February 26th, 2014



log: marietta and vicky

Who: Marietta and Vicky
What: Girl's night
When: Feb 26 -- Wednesday evening
Where: Marietta's flat
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Her first few weeks at Hogsmeade had been, as expected, completely terrible. She kept seeing familiar faces everywhere she turned and seeing as she worked at the only place to buy groceries in the village, she couldn't avoid that her customers were also her former classmates. Things had been tense, but she'd been doing her best to just keep her head down and steer clear of any drama. She wouldn't be here forever and if she could make it out unscathed, that would be preferable.

Apparently Marietta had been doing too good a job at disappearing, however, because it wasn't until a few days ago that she realized her neighbor was perhaps the only person in the village that didn't hate her. Fate was terribly funny like that. It was the only bit of good news she'd received since arriving. She and Vicky had gotten to know one another while in Azkaban so to have her near by was quite comforting.

After figuring out a time that worked for them both, Marietta purchased the (cheapest) bottle of wine at work and tidied the few things around her mostly-barren flat, waiting for Vicky to arrive.

Owls Lavender, and Pansy

Owl to Lavender )

Owl to Pansy )



log: shopping

Who: Aidan Lynch, Alicia Spinnet

What: Random meeting

When: Wednesday afternoon

Where: Magic Neep

Rating: G

Status: in progress

Aidan had finally made a complete list of items he needed from the Magic Neep. He had been purchasing items a couple at a time and finally decided to get everything done and overwith. He loathed shopping. If he could just make food appear, he would be elated. But, that wasn't how it was going to happen.

At the present time, Aidan was wandering about in the produce section, having an internal argument with himself about what fruits and veggies he needed (he had forgotten that part of the list). Why couldn't he just make food appear, again?

Log: Pansy and Adrian

Who: Pansy and Adrian
What: drinks and catching up
When: Wednesday night, after the Bats @ Falcons game
Where: Green Man & French Horn, London
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Despite asking around to everyone he could think of, it seemed there weren't any places in Falmouth itself that were worthy of Pansy. Adrian wasn't about to take her anywhere called Dolly's Tea Rooms & Wine Bar, no matter how quaint the witch in the ticket booth swore it was. And once she revealed that the owners' dog was one of the many attractions the place had to offer, Adrian politely quit the conversation. They'd simply have to go up to London in search of the kind of upscale locale Pansy was accustomed to.

"Sorry about Apparating twice in one night, but Falmouth's almost as bad as Hogsmeade, I'm afraid," Adrian said, as he pulled out Pansy's chair for her. The wine list at the Green Man & French Horn was of considerable length, so they were sure to find something to suit.



Log: Roommate to Roommate

Who: Julian and Asher
What: Living arrangements conversation
When: Yesterday evening
Where: Their flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Julian had been back from his weekend trip with Alicia for more than a week, but he hadn't been able to talk to Asher about his moving in with Alicia. There had been no definite date set, but that was really all based on talking to Asher first and finding out what he was comfortable with, which made it partly the issue-- Julian could afford the flat on his own, but Asher needed a roommate. He definitely didn't want to leave his friend in the lurch, so he hoped between the two of them they could find a solution.

"I bought dinner from The Three Broomsticks," he told Asher. "Figured it'd save us both the trouble of attempting to make something to eat tonight.