The Last Station

July 2014


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February 25th, 2014



Journal 1

Am I doing this correctly? I don't think this is right. Testing? лайна! You are smarter than a journal, Viktor, this is absolutely ridic-

Hello. My name is Viktor. I am 29 years old and I am the new assistant coach of your Hogsmeade Hydras. I am very happy to be a part of this new and already prosperous organization. But just because I an thankful for this opportunity, do not think this will mean I will go easy on you, Hydras! I will make you hurt by the end of practice, but you will thank me.

I am new to the village, though I spent some time nearby about 10 or 11 years ago. So if I appear lost...there is a great chance that I am. If this is the case, I would appreciate if you sent me off in a direction of either the Quidditch pitch, the book shop, or the pub. At most times, any of these three options are likely to suit my needs.

I've been told I often look cross, but I assure you, that is just my face. Do not take offense if that is my appearance when I meet you, it sometimes takes some time for me to be myself. However, I have made a vow to become more outgoing and...what is a good word to describe this feeling? Yes, I have it: gregarious. I think my English word-of-the-day calendar was a good gift after all.

Warded to Cho Chang and James Cadwallader
James, Cho. I hope this goes through correctly. Sorry not to warn you two of my arrival, it was all very sudden. James might have known, since we are now coworkers! But still, apologies. Please let me know when either of you have free has been too long and while I so enjoy our letters, seeing you two in person again would be a true pleasure.

Warded to Harry Potter
Hello, old friend! I will be glad to see your familiar face around town. How is Hermione are you? I have been working on my British colloquialisms, let me try them out on you. We should go to the pub, drink a pint of bitter. That made sense, yes?

Warded to Alexei Levski
Please let me come over to your house so we can drink Bulgarian wine and speak in our native tongue from time to time. But do not think this means I will go easy on you at practice!

Warded to Hermione Granger
I want
I miss
I love


The press release went out this morning as well but nobody ever reads those, so consider this the official announcement: the Hydras have hired both Viktor Krum and Aidan Lynch to our coaching staff. Viktor will be the Assistant Coach and Aidan is our Strategist. The team is extremely blessed to have not one but two Quidditch legends guiding the team as we head into the last part of the season.

We'd also like to congratulate Viktor Krum (Bulgaria), Alexei Levski (Bulgaria) and Sebastien Summerby (Scotland) who represented their countries well in the recently concluded International Quidditch Championships.

Private to Hogsmeade Hydras Players and Staff

Since we don't have a game until next week, let's do a team dinner this Friday evening. Madam Rosmerta's got a section of The Three Broomsticks just for us, plus-ones are more than welcome. We'll make it a triple-header, congrats to our IQC players, welcome to the new staff, welcome to the new Beaters, sort of thing.

Private to Stewart

If you're free this Friday, the team's doing dinner at The Three Broomsticks. Want to join me?



Hogsmeade Herald: Quidditch Buzz

Quidditch Buzz: Massive Changes Rock Hogsmeade Hydras )



Journal 001

Hello, hello!

I'm Aidan, the new Strategist for the Hydras.

I'm not sure what all I'm supposed to say here.

Age isn't important.

I play(ed) Quidditch.

Why don't you ask me something. That might be easier.




That was easier than I thought! Found an apartment in almost no time at all Mrs. Hudson seems nice and it's good that she also works with mum but was she really renting that extra room out before? and I'm all unpacked, and it only took all of yesterday to do. It's too cold to go outside but does anybody know if the Hydras practice is open to the public? I was thinking of watching them while I have nothing else to do.

[Private to Isabel]

I'm in the village now, and I know we talked about starting next week but if you wanted I could start sooner. Or I could just shadow you to see how everything runs at first, so you won't need to spend so much time on training my first week.

[Private to Ritchie]


Are you surprised? Because mum seemed to know where you lived and pointed out to me we were in the same building.



[No Subject]

Violet is-- after four hours at the Ministry of Magic and an interview in which her sole responses were 'No!' and 'Pol' bear!'-- officially a Davies-Urquhart, just like both her fathers. Though I can't remember whether we submitted that paperwork... She has been for ages, really; she takes after Roger more each day.

Gods, but it's difficult to believe she'll be three in less than a week. If I've any intention of maintaining her favour, I suppose I ought to arrange a birthday celebration. Has anyone got a polar bear I can borrow?



journal: cormac

Oy, Cadwallader, you talk a big game about jumping in the Black Lake. Ritchie's right, we ought to make it a Polar Plunge. Things have been a bit dull lately and this would certainly liven it up.

[Private to Lisa and Romilda]
How's your week going, Valentines?

[Private to Romilda]
Want to come over for dinner some time this week? Maybe tomorrow?