The Last Station

July 2014


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February 9th, 2014



I'm here, but I'm still at that point where everything is slightly surreal. My flat's still filled with boxes (some half-unpacked and some empty) and I think last week I spent a day outside of the village for every one I spent in it. The good news is my asshole ex-landlord has finally agreed to give my deposit back on my old place, so that's something. Now, if only the agency would stop feeling like I had a dream I opened one and forgot it wasn't real once I'd woken up.

So. How about that Quidditch, huh?

Log: Tracey and Kevin

Who: Tracey and Kevin

What: Dropping by

When: Friday morning (backdated)

Where: The Barkery and the Catfe

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey had meant to arrive at The Barkery and the Catfe much earlier than she'd ended up going- she knew the shop would be busier in the afternoon but an elderly witch had come in for a fitting before she could step out, and then another one had questions about where the old socks had gone, and when Tracey glanced up at the clock it was already mid-morning. She said a quick goodbye to her assistant, told her she won't be long, and headed over to the pet shop where she'd intended to meet with Kevin Entwhistle, a classmate from Hogwarts as far as she could tell but not someone she immediately remembered. She thought he might have been a Hufflepuff. Or a Ravenclaw?

"I'm sorry I'm late," she said as soon as she saw him. "I hope now is still a good time?

Log: Tracey and Caleb train

Who: Tracey and Caleb

What: Couples Game training

When: all day Sunday

Where: Caleb's flat

Rating: Low

Status: Complete

Tracey arrived at Caleb's at 7 am Sunday morning armed for three things: one, with cheese and other doggie treats and toys, to try to ease Batman to her presence, if not win him over completely; two, with a generous basket of breakfast pastries and coffee and juice and all things healthy and nutritious, to see her and Caleb through what could be a long and arduous training regimen; and three, with a set of about a hundred greeting-card sized cuts of hard parchment, filled with topics and questions that took her a few hours of the evening prior to put together, to help the two of them prepare for the upcoming Couples Game.

While both she and Caleb knew they were coming in as possibly the clear underdogs- they were fairly new at this, all told- there was no reason they couldn't come prepared. They would have the advantage of being underestimated, and Tracey was more than happy to defer to that should they lose, or take a quiet sort of pride in it should they win. There was also the added benefit of the two of them learning more about each other this way, and Tracey had thought the partner survey had been a good start, too.

In any way, it was going to be a day spent with Caleb, which already made it a day well spent. Tracey just hoped that Batman wouldn't mind her too much.

Log: Dan and Stewart watch a movie

Who: Dan and Stewart

What: Movies

When: Sunday morning

Where: Dan's dad's house in London

Rating: NSFW

Status: Ongoing

Dan didn't always get up so early on Sundays, unless there was a game for some reason or work that he had to do, but he and Stewart had planned to watch some of the movies he'd been given for his birthday, and there were a few things Dan had to make sure were in order, so as soon as he showered and got himself a cup of coffee he Apparated over to his dad's place, making sure his dad was ready to go meet his Inverness realtor. They Apparated to a breakfast place in Inverness that Dan made sure to remember, where a man about his dad's age was waiting in a suit and tie. After pleasantries were exchanged, Dan reminded his dad to call the house phone when he wanted to be picked up, then waved goodbye at the two of them. He'd been interested in helping his father find a flat in Inverness, and would come if asked, but he did also think that in this part of the process maybe his father just needed to see what was around without his son trying to sell him on the merits of it all.

After that, he Apparated back to London, where he spent a good half hour tidying up- running the dishwasher, getting the popcorn machine ready, putting the movies in place and gathering the random discs and knick-knacks lying around. He popped out for a second to get to the bakery around the corner, buying an assortment of croissants and Danishes, then set them on the living room table using some of his dad's best silverware. He headed to the kitchen and took out their best blends of tea, setting that on the table as well, with a teapot and two cups.



log: cormac and lisa go on a date

Who: Cormac and Lisa
Where: Signature Room, then Lisa’s flat
When: Sunday evening
What: getting to know you over drinks, then ...?
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing Complete!

under the cut )

journal: saunderson

I must say… I’ve missed Hogsmeade. Not the weather, mind you. The snow was nice to see and experience my first few days, but I would much prefer something more tropical. Perhaps we should try throwing a party… a few heating charms and some transfiguration and we could have a beach right here in Hogsmeade for a night. Thoughts?

I enjoyed the Quidditch match on Tuesday, I haven’t seen a match since I was at Hogwarts and I had forgotten how thrilling it is. Ginny and the Hydras did some fine flying… not that I know much about flying. Is it strange that I never truly learned while in school? It was probably my worst subject my first year. I think I would like to give it a go again. Anyways… Nice catch Sebastien!

The games for Valentine’s Day should be rather interesting and I’m looking forward to the festivities… Although, I’m not terribly sure what to expect.

Oh! If anyone is looking for some part-time work I would love a hand at Scrivenshaft’s.

On a side note... My flat is done. The books are all put away and it's really starting to look like home. Things are finally coming together!

{Warded to Morag}
Morag dear, would you be opposed to meeting for lunch or dinner sometime? It’s been a long time and it would be lovely to catch up. Whenever works for you, love. Running your own business has its advantages… such as closing up for an hour or two.

{Warded to Michael}
Love, we really must get together soon! I have so much to talk to you about and I would love to catch up on your life. I could use my dearest friend and confidant… and perhaps a tad bit of your therapy as well. Think you could help, Doctor?



journal entry: hannah

Can't say I've ever been more exhausted or happy in my life. The first full week at Fromage was quite a success -- thank you to everyone who came. Overall, I think things went smoothly, and it will only get better with time.

Now for two well deserved days of rest and relaxation. Fromage will open again on Wednesday!

[Warded to James]
I've the next two days free. Care to grab a meal or coffee? Feels like it's been ages with how busy I've been.

[Warded to Susan]
I don't believe I'll be attending the Knitting Circle in the future... what's another hobby we can work on?



[No Subject]

Oh, my gods, why is Bell in Hogsmeade? Now I've no choice but to become a waifishly handsome, perfectly blond hermit.

I see idiocy remains a defining characteristic of Gryffindors. How convenient to stumble upon three Gryffindor Fifth Years just before the bloody deserved conclusion of my rounds. Fifty points from Gryffindor for brewing a failed love potion outside my classroom.

Did you provide them with your personal recipe, Vane? Merlin help those of you stupid enough to visit Qualitea Quali-Love-Potion-In-Your-Tea on Valentine's Day. Who gives their shop such an asinine name?



Log: Jack and Orla hang out

Who: Jack and Orla
Where: Jack's flat
When: Backdated to Thursday, February 6, afternoon
What: Jack shows Orla his flying motorcycle
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Jack was looking forward to having Orla come by. He didn't know her very well at all, but that was why he'd extended the invitation. Why not take advantage of being neighbours and invite her over? There'd been something charming about the witch he'd met at Dan's party and he was excited to have the opportunity to introduce her to his favourite motorcycle. Sure, she didn't want to go for a ride, but he was sure it'd hold her interest.

After a busy day of working on some of their songs for the next week's gig, getting lunch at the Three Broomsticks, and taking a bath, Jack removed his wards and opened the door He leaned out into the corridor to see if he could spot her.




Well, this night calls for whiskey.

Warded to anyone involved in this exchange:

Need I remind everyone that these journals were created and distributed to residents in an effort to encourage building better relationships with others, not destroying them?

Now I've no power to enforce any kind of rules around here, but please, this isn't the sort of thing Hogsmeade is here to do.